
蒋文月,葛雨洋,李亦辰,李春燕,朱 敏,朱新开,郭文善,丁锦峰.拔节期和花后渍水对不同品种小麦产量及相关农艺性状的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(5):614
Effects of Waterlogging at Stem-Elongation and Post-Anthesis Stages on Grain Yield and Related Agronomic Traits of Different Wheat Cultivars
中文关键词:  渍水胁迫  小麦品种  籽粒产量  农艺性状  耐渍性
英文关键词:Waterlogging stress  Wheat varieties  Grain yield  Agronomic character  Waterlogging resistance
蒋文月,葛雨洋,李亦辰,李春燕,朱 敏,朱新开,郭文善,丁锦峰 (扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理国家重点实验室培育点/粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心/扬州大学小麦研究中心江苏扬州225009) 
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      In order to provide references for the stress-tolerance and high-yield cultivation of wheat, the waterlogging treatments at stem-elongation and post-anthesis stages were carried out in wheat seasons of 2018—2019 and 2019—2020, respectively, using 22 wheat cultivars as materials, and the natural growth condition was as the control treatment. The effects of waterlogging on grain yield and related agronomic traits were analyzed; the cultivars with high-yield and waterlogging-tolerance were screened, and the mechanisms of waterlogging tolerance and high yield were clarified. The results showed that grain yield was reduced by 29.6%—59.1% under waterlogging at stem-elongation stage and by 7.9%—49.1% under waterlogging at post-anthesis stage. The waterlogging treatments significantly decreased the grain number per spike, 1 000-grain weight, dry matter accumulation after anthesis, and LAI at milk-ripening stage. According to the average grain yield under different waterlogging treatments and yield reduction caused by waterlogging in the two years, the cultivar Yangmai 25 showed the characters of relatively high-yield and waterlogging-tolerance among the tested cultivars, and Ningmai 22 and Shengxuan 6 performed an outstanding waterlogging tolerance. Correlation analysis showed that grain number per spike, LAI at the milk-ripening stage, RuBPCase activity of flag leaf, and dry matter accumulation after anthesis and at maturity were significantly positively correlated with grain yield under different treatments. The reductions in grain number per spike, 1 000-grain weight, dry matter accumulation after anthesis, and LAI at the milk-ripening stage due to waterlogging stress were significantly positively correlated with grain yield under waterlogging treatment. The results indicated that the cultivars with large photosynthetic area and high photosynthetic rate after anthesis can supply grain formation and filling by producing more photosynthetic substances, further promoting yield formation. The reductions in photosynthetic area and production capacity caused by waterlogging were the key factors restricting high yield and stable production. Therefore, improving the photosynthetic production capacity of leaves during the medium and late growth stages under waterlogging stress, especially the green leaf area, can help reduce the decline in grain number per spike and 1 000-grain weight. It is proposed that high leaf photosynthetic production capacity and spike yield under waterlogging conditions can be used as the basis of efficiently screening high-yield and waterlogging-tolerance cultivars.
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