
蒋佳丽,刘 丰,谢 凯,周 琴,蔡 剑,王 笑,黄 梅,仲迎鑫,戴廷波,曹卫星,姜 东.美国硬红冬和硬红春小麦籽粒品质比较及与中国强筋小麦标准对标分析[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(5):594
Comparison of Grain Quality Properties between Hard Red Winter and Hard Red Spring Wheat from America and Benchmarking Analysis with Strong Gluten Wheat Standards of China
中文关键词:  硬红冬小麦  硬红春小麦  品质性状  年度变异  达标度
英文关键词:Hard red winter wheat  Hard red spring wheat  Quality characteristics  Annual variation  Standard-compliance rate
蒋佳丽,刘 丰,谢 凯,周 琴,蔡 剑,王 笑,黄 梅,仲迎鑫,戴廷波,曹卫星,姜 东 (1.南京农业大学/农业农村部小麦区域技术创新中心/农业部南方作物生理生态重点开放实验室/国家信息农业工程技术中心江苏南京 210095 2.昆山市淀山湖镇农村工作局江苏昆山 215300) 
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      随着人们消费结构的改变,面包市场发展迅速,但中国优质强筋小麦生产供应不足,质量差异较大,而美国硬麦有良好的加工性能和稳定的品质,制粉和烘焙特性优异。研究美国硬红冬小麦和硬红春小麦籽粒品质年度间变化特点及品质指标间相关性,可为中国强筋小麦籽粒品质研究与发展提供参考。本文汇总了美国小麦协会1999—2021年间发布的硬红冬小麦、硬红春小麦品质相关性状数据,分析了两类小麦品质指标间相互关系,并探讨了美国硬麦品质对中国现有强筋小麦标准的适配度。结果表明,与硬红冬小麦相比,硬红春小麦蛋白含量高,筋力强,形成时间、稳定时间等面团品质更高,烘焙品质更优,且籽粒、面粉品质稳定性高。对标中国强筋小麦标准可以发现,硬红春小麦对标中国强筋小麦标准的达标率高于硬红冬小麦,蛋白含量、湿面筋达标率差距尤为明显。综合考虑中国强筋小麦生产现状,并结合美国硬麦对中国强筋小麦标准达标率,中国强筋小麦标准可将蛋白含量调整为>14.5%,湿面筋含量为>32.0%,稳定时间>10 min,容重、硬度分别大于760 g·L-1和65。硬红春小麦品质指标的相关性分析显示,拉伸面积与面包烘焙吸水率显著负相关,与面包体积显著正相关,可用于预测强筋小麦面包品质;中国标准可设置拉伸面积为105 cm2
      With the change in people's consumption structure, the bread market has developed rapidly, but the production and supply of high-quality strong gluten wheat in China are insufficient, with significant quality differences. However, hard wheat in the United States has good processing performance and stable quality, and excellent milling and baking characteristics. Studying the interannual variation characteristics and correlation between quality indicators of hard red winter wheat and hard red spring wheat from the United States can provide reference for the research and development of strong gluten wheat grain quality in China.In this paper, we summarized the quality data of hard red winter wheat and hard red spring wheat released by American Wheat Association from 1999 to 2021, analyzed the relationship between the two types of wheat quality indices, and discussed the suitability of American hard wheat quality to the existing strong gluten wheat standards in China. The results showed that compared with hard red winter wheat, hard red spring wheat had higher protein content, stronger gluten strength, greater dough quality such as dough development time and stability time, better baking quality, and greater grain and flour quality stability than hard red winter wheat. By benchmarking against Chinas strong gluten wheat standards, it can be found that the compliance rate of hard red spring wheat is higher than that of hard red winter wheat, with a particularly significant difference in protein content and wet gluten compliance rate. Taking the current production status of strong gluten wheat in China and the compliance rate of American hard wheat standards for strong gluten wheat in China into account, the protein content can be adjusted to >14.5%, the wet gluten content to >32.0%, the stability time to >10 minutes, and the unit weight and hardness to be greater than 760 g·L-1 and 65, respectively. The correlation analysis of the quality indicators of hard red spring wheat showed that the stretching area is significantly negatively correlated with the bread baking water absorption, but significantly positively correlated with the bread volume, which can be used to predict the quality of strong gluten wheat bread. The the stretching area standard is suggested to be set to 105 cm2.
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