
张琪琪,刘方方,万映秀,曹文昕,李 炎,李 耀,张平治.小麦新品系赤霉病抗性鉴定及基因效应分析[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(5):567
Identification of Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and Gene Effect Analysis of New Wheat Lines
中文关键词:  小麦;赤霉病;品种  抗性基因
英文关键词:Wheat  Fusarium head blight  Variety  Resistant genes
基金项目:安徽省科技重大专项( 202003a06020010); 国家小麦产业技术体系专项(CARS-03-76);安徽省农业科学院2022年第一层次青年英才项目
张琪琪,刘方方,万映秀,曹文昕,李 炎,李 耀,张平治 (安徽省农业科学院作物研究所/农作物品质改良安徽省重点实验室安徽合肥 230031) 
摘要点击次数: 308
全文下载次数: 288
      为创制黄淮麦区小麦新品系、提高小麦抗赤霉病育种效率,2022年在小麦扬花期利用喷洒孢子液的方法对81份抗赤霉病高代品系和4份对照品种在濉溪柳湖试验基地开展了赤霉病抗性鉴定,并利用与4个抗赤霉病主效基因Fhb1Fhb2Fhb4Fhb5紧密连锁的6个标记对供试小麦材料进行了基因型检测。结果表明,供试81份材料的赤霉病抗性整体较好,平均病小穗率为27.95%,其中13份自育品系平均病小穗率低于扬麦20;携带单个或多个赤霉病抗性基因的品系共有60份,Fhb1Fhb2Fhb4Fhb5 检出频率分别为64.20%、12.35%、20.99%、34.57%;携带单个抗病基因Fhb1Fhb4Fhb5的小麦品系分别为18份、3份、2份;有45.68%品系同时携带2~3个赤霉病抗性基因。携带抗性基因的品系平均病小穗率低于不含抗性基因的品系;聚合多个抗赤霉病基因可以有效提高小麦品种的抗赤霉病水平。
      In order to breed new wheat lines in Huang-Huai region using molecular markers and improve the breeding efficiency of wheat resistance to FHB, FHB resistance identification was carried out on 81 advanced lines and four control varieties using method of spray inoculation, and genotype tests were conducted using six markers closely linked to the four major FHB resistance genes Fhb1, Fhb2, Fhb4, and Fhb5 at Liuhu experimental station in Suixi during the flowering period of wheat in 2022. The results showed a generally good FHB resistance of the materials tested, with 13 locally bred lines having an average percentage of infected spike lower than Yangmai 20, and 60 lines carrying single or multiple FHB resistance genes. The detection frequencies of Fhb1, Fhb2, Fhb4 and Fhb5 were 64.20%, 12.35%,20.99% and 34.57% respectively. Thirty seven lines carried two or three resistance genes. The average percentage of infected spike of the lines carrying resistance genes was lower than that of the lines without resistance genes, and the effect was most obvious in the case of gene Fhb1 and the combination of Fhb1+Fhb2 and Fhb1+Fhb2+Fhb4. Pyramiding multiple resistance genes can effectively improve the FHB resistance level of wheat lines.
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