
张礼军,鲁清林,白玉龙,张文涛,汪恒兴,周 刚,白 斌.甘肃小麦品质的区域间差异和利用潜力分析[J].麦类作物学报,2019,(9):1038
Study on Regional Difference and Utilization Potential of Wheat Quality in Gansu Province
中文关键词:  小麦  品质  甘肃  区域  调查
英文关键词:Wheat  Quality  Gansu Province  Region  Investigation
基金项目:甘肃省小麦产业技术体系专项(GARS-01-06);甘肃省重大专项(17ZD2NA016);国家产业技术体系专项(CARS-03);国家自然科学基金项目(31360313, 31760352);甘肃省陇原人才团队项目;甘肃省农业科学院创新专项(2015GAAS11,2014GAAS19)
张礼军,鲁清林,白玉龙,张文涛,汪恒兴,周 刚,白 斌 (1.甘肃省农业科学院小麦研究所甘肃兰州 7300702.天水市农业学校甘肃清水 741400) 
摘要点击次数: 1220
全文下载次数: 1091
      为了明确甘肃大田小麦品质的区域间差异和利用潜力,以甘肃省9个市州的316份样品为试验材料,参照国家标准,全面分析了小麦籽粒品质性状。结果表明,甘肃大田小麦籽粒蛋白质含量平均值13.60%,湿面筋含量32.86%,面团稳定时间3.1 min,拉伸阻力132 BU,延伸度166 mm,主要满足面条、馒头、饺子等传统主食和饼干制作要求,而对面包和糕点等食品加工的达标率较低,提高面团稳定时间是实现甘肃小麦优质强筋生产的关键。甘肃小麦被测蛋白质、粉质、拉伸等品质参数在区域间差异极显著(P<0.001)。西峰、平凉、白银、武威、张掖5市小麦蛋白质含量14%左右,湿面筋含量高于30%,稳定时间大于3 min,品质改良应注重稳定时间的提高,可作为甘肃省中强筋面粉生产基地;定西市和天水市小麦湿面筋含量较高,但稳定时间低于2.5 min,应强调面团筋力的改善;陇南市小麦蛋白质含量12.48%,湿面筋含量29.52%,稳定时间3.0 min,除满足传统食品外,在弱筋食品的加工方面有一定潜力,应侧重中弱筋面粉的生产;临夏州小麦蛋白质含量11.33%,湿面筋含量26.28%,稳定时间1.8 min,主要以满足饼干、蛋糕和糕点等食品为主,可作为弱筋面粉生产基地。
      To study the regional difference and utilization potential of wheat quality in Gansu Province, an investigation was conducted by collecting 316 wheat grain samples from 9 regions of Gansu province. The results showed that the average of grain protein content, wet gluten content, dough stability time, resistance and extensibility were 13.60%, 32.86%, 3.1 min, 132 BU and 166 mm, respectively.From the end use point of view, wheat flour from Gansu mainly was able to meet the processing requirements of traditional staple foods such as noodles, steamed bread, dumplings and biscuits, while the proportion for bread and pastries is pretty low. Increasing dough stability time is the key to improve the strong-gluten wheat production in Gansu.All the parameters associated with protein, farinograph and extensograph showed significant difference among the regions of Gansu Province(P<0.001). The five regions: Xifeng, Pingliang, Baiyin, Wuwei and Zhangye with about 14% protein content, more than 30% wet gluten content and 3 min dough stability time, can be considered as the production base for middle/strong-gluten wheat, and the key method to improve wheat processing quality is to increase dough stability in these areas. Dingxi and Tianshui with higher wet gluten content and less than 2.5 min dough stability time, need to focus on improving the dough gluten. Longnan averagely with 12.48% protein content, 29.52% wet gluten content and 3.0 min dough stability time can lay some emphasis on producing the weak-gluten wheat as the certain potentials to process some weak-gluten foods. Linxia averagely with 11.33% protein content, 26.28% wet gluten content and 1.8 min dough stability time, can be considered as the production base for weak-gluten wheat suitable for processing biscuit, cake and pastry in Gansu Province.
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