
李 蓉,洪 赫,姜文筱,王艳斌,张红娟,赵 芳,刘杰辉,张 泽, 梁 艳,王春静,谢咸升.贝莱斯芽胞杆菌LQ-3防治小麦纹枯病的效果及根际定殖能力[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(7):947
Biocontrol Effect of Bacillus velezensis LQ-3 against Wheat Sharp Eyespot and Its Colonization Dynamics in the Rhizosphere of Wheat
中文关键词:  贝莱斯芽胞杆菌LQ-3  小麦纹枯病  定殖  防效
英文关键词:Bacillus velezensis LQ-3  Wheat sharp eyespot  Colonization  Biocontrol effect
李 蓉,洪 赫,姜文筱,王艳斌,张红娟,赵 芳,刘杰辉,张 泽, 梁 艳,王春静,谢咸升 (1.山西农业大学小麦研究所山西临汾041000 2.中国农业大学植物保护学院北京100193) 
摘要点击次数: 75
全文下载次数: 102
      小麦纹枯病(wheat sharp eyespot)主要是由禾谷丝核菌(Rhizoctonia cerealis)侵染引起的一种土传真菌病害,严重威胁小麦生产安全。目前,利用生防细菌防治小麦纹枯病已成为研究热点,其中,研究最多的一类生防细菌为芽胞杆菌。为明确贝莱斯芽胞杆菌(Bacillus velezensis)LQ-3防治小麦纹枯病的效果及其在小麦根部定殖能力,本研究利用LQ-3发酵液灌根处理小麦苗,调查统计LQ-3对小麦纹枯病的防效。同时利用绿色荧光蛋白标记菌株LQ-3(pGFP78)灌根处理小麦根部,并结合抗生素平板回收检测、激光共聚焦显微镜观察方法,探明LQ-3在小麦根部的定殖动态。结果表明,LQ-3防治小麦纹枯病的效果为57.49%,与化学药剂27%苯醚·咯·噻虫悬浮种衣剂(酷拉斯)的防效(59.95%)相当。LQ-3(pGFP78)的生长趋势与野生型LQ-3相比并没有显著性差异,且仍具有游动性和生物膜形成能力。 LQ-3(pGFP78)发酵液初始浓度为2.3×108 cfu·mL-1,灌根处理5 d后,其在小麦根部的定殖量已达到9.63×106cfu·g-1,25 d后,定殖量仍有1.33×106cfu·g-1,表明LQ-3在小麦根部具有较好的定殖能力。
      Wheat sharp eyespot, primarily caused by the soil-borne fungal pathogen Rhizoctonia cerealis, poses a severe threat to wheat production security. Currently, the utilization of biocontrol bacteria for the prevention and control of wheat sharp eyespot has emerged as a research hotspot, with Bacillus being the most extensively studied biocontrol bacteria. To determine the biocontrol effect of Bacillus velezensis LQ-3 on wheat sharp eyespot and its colonization ability in wheat root, this study utilized LQ-3 fermentation to irrigate wheat root, aiming to investigate the biocontrol effect of LQ-3 against wheat eye spot. The colonization dynamics of LQ-3 in wheat root were elucidated by using green fluorescent protein labeled strain LQ-3 (pGFP78) to irrigate wheat root, combined with antibiotic plate recovery detection and laser confocal microscopy observation. The results showed that the biocontrol effect of LQ-3 on wheat sharp eyespot is 57.49%, which is equivalent to the biocontrol effect of the Kuras at 59.95%. Moreover, the growth trend of LQ-3 (pGFP78) exhibited no significant disparity when compared to the wild-type LQ-3, while still retaining its motility and biofilm-forming abilities. The initial concentration of LQ-3 (pGFP78) fermentation broth was 2.3×108 cfu·mL-1, and after 5 d of root irrigation treatment, the colonization of LQ-3 (pGFP78) in wheat root reached 9.63×106 cfu·g-1; even after 25 d, the colonization quantity still remained at 1.33×106 cfu·g-1, indicating that LQ-3 has proficient colonization capability in wheat root.
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