
岳 蓉,尹本酥,李振发,李粉玲.基于无人机RGB影像的染条锈冬小麦花青素含量监测[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(7):936
Monitoring of Anthocyanin Content of Winter Wheat Infected by Pst Using UAV RGB Image
中文关键词:  无人机  条锈病  花青素  可见光影像  机器学习
英文关键词:UAV  Yellow rust  Anthocyanin  Visible light image  Machine learning
岳 蓉,尹本酥,李振发,李粉玲 (1.西北农林科技大学资源环境学院陕西杨凌 712100
2.农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室陕西杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 73
全文下载次数: 103
      Yellow rust seriously affects the yield and quality of wheat, which causes changes not only in the external morphology and color characteristics of the plant, but also in its internal moisture, structure and pigments. Anthocyanin is one of the important pigments in the plant and would accumulate when the plant is under stress. Understanding and monitoring the anthocyanin of plants is of great importance for field management. In recent years, with the advantages of high resolution, high flexibility and low cost, UAV remote sensing technology is developing rapidly in the estimation of physical and chemical parameters of crops. In this study, taking anthocyanin content as the indicator to characterize the yellow rust, UAV RGB images of wheat plots infected by Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici in 2021 and anthocyanin content data were collected. The spectral features and texture features based on grey level co occurrence matrix of the regions of interest were extracted, and the correlation analysis between the features and anthocyanin content was carried out. The successive projections algorithm (SPA) combined with correlation analysis was employed to select the optimal features. From the 56 parameters, nine parameters were screened as the input variables of the models, including two texture features (MEA_R and MEA_G) and seven spectral features (red green ratio index, red blue ratio index, blue red ratio index, green blue ratio index, normalized difference red blue index, visible atmospherically resistant index, and anthocyanin reflectance index). Then anthocyanin content estimation models based on single spectral features and combined features were established with principal component regression (PCR), Lasso regression (LR), random forest regression (RFR), gradient boosting regression (GBR) and back propagation neural network (BPNN) algorithms respectively. The coefficient of determination, root mean square error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) were used to compare the accuracy of each model. Finally, the optimal model was used to invert the anthocyanin content of the plots. The results showed that the coefficient of determination of models increased, the root mean square error decreased and the accuracy of models improved after taking texture features into account. Among the anthocyanin content estimation models of winter wheat established through nine features, the model based on random forest algorithm had the highest accuracy. The validation results showed that the coefficient of determination of the model was 0.801; the root mean square error was 0.026, and the mean absolute error was 0.021. Overall, this model could be used for the remote sensing mapping of the winter wheat anthocyanin content at a regional scale. The final inversion result of anthocyanin content was consistent with the spatial distribution of yellow rust and could reflect the damage level in a quantitative and visual way. This technology can be used to rapidly measure the wheat leaf anthocyanin content and monitor the stripe rust.
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