
Effects of Sulfur Application Stage on Yield and Quality of Strong-Gluten Wheat
中文关键词:  强筋小麦  施硫时期  产量  品质
英文关键词:Strong-gluten wheat  Sulfur application stage  Grain yield  Quality
刘志连,傅晓艺,王红光,李东晓,李瑞奇 (1.河北农业大学农学院河北保定 071001 2.石家庄市藁城区农业科学研究所河北石家庄 0521603.石家庄市农林科学院河北石家庄 050000) 
摘要点击次数: 179
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      为明确不同时期施硫对强筋小麦产量和品质的效应,于2019—2021年2个小麦生长季,以藁优2018为试验材料,设置播前(Sb)、拔节期(Sj)、开花期(Sa)3个施硫时期,施硫量为60 kg·hm-2,以不施硫(CK)为对照,测定并分析了不同处理下强筋小麦产量和品质相关指标。结果表明,与CK相比,Sb和Sa处理均能显著提高藁优2018的千粒重和产量,2个生长季千粒重增幅分别为6.23%和7.04%,产量增幅分别为9.20%和5.71%;施硫时期对藁优2018的穗数和穗粒数影响不显著。3种施硫处理的面团形成时间和稳定时间均较CK显著提高,Sa和Sb处理优于Sj处理;Sa处理2个生长季较CK增幅达48.78%和32.63%。2个生长季Sa处理的湿面筋含量、Zeleny沉降值、蛋白质含量和谷醇比较CK平均增幅依次为8.88%、8.31%、6.61%和10.48%。综上,施硫对强筋小麦的产量和品质具有正向调控效应,开花期为本试验条件下最佳施硫期。
      In order to clarify the effects of sulfur application at different growth stages on the yield and quality of strong-gluten wheat, a field experiment was conducted during the 2019-2021 wheat growing seasons using the variety Gaoyou 2018 as material. Three treatments \[before sowing(Sb), topdressing at jointing stage(Sj) and topdressing at anthesis stage(Sa)\] with sulfur application of 60 kg·hm-2 were set up, with no-sulfur application as control to study the effect of sulfur application on the grain yield and quality of strong-gluten wheat. The results showed that compared to the control, both Sb and Sa significantly increased the thousand kernel weight(TKW) and yield of Gaoyou 2018. The average increase rate of TKW in the two growing seasons was 6.23% and 7.04%, and the average increase rate of yield was 9.20% and 5.71%, respectively. However, sulfur application had no significant effect on the number of ears and grains per spike of Gaoyou 2018. The dough formation time and stability time of the three sulfur treatments were significantly improved, with Sb and Sa better than that of Sj treatment, and Sa had the best effect, with increase rates reaching 48.78% and 32.63%, respectively. The Sa treatment also resulted in the largest increases in grain wet gluten content, Zeleny sedimentation value, protein content and gliadin/glutenin, with increase rates of 8.88%, 8.31%, 6.61% and 10.48%, respectively. In conclusion, sulfur application has a positive effect on the yield and quality of strong-gluten wheat, with the Sa being the optimal fertilization treatment under the conditions of this experiment.
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