
赵 斌,季昌好,孙 皓,朱 斌,王 瑞,陈晓东.大麦茎、叶、穗对饲草产量及品质的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(7):865
Effect of the Stem, Leaf and Spike on the Forage Yield and Quality of Barley
中文关键词:  大麦  组织  刈割期  饲草产量  饲草品质
英文关键词:Barley  Tissue  Cutting date  Forage yield  Forage quality
赵 斌,季昌好,孙 皓,朱 斌,王 瑞,陈晓东 (安徽省农业科学院作物研究所/农作物品质改良安徽省重点实验室安徽合肥230031) 
摘要点击次数: 172
全文下载次数: 128
      为探明大麦不同组织(茎、叶和穗)在不同刈割期对饲草产量及品质的影响,以安徽省两个主栽饲用大麦品种为材料,比较了两年度两个品种茎、叶和穗分别在齐穗期及其后14 d和28 d饲草产量及品质的差异。结果显示,不同组织、刈割期及组织×刈割期互作效应对饲草产量及品质均有显著影响(P<0.05),年度效应主要影响产量,其他互作效应因品种和性状不同而异。饲草产量随刈割期后移增加,对其贡献表现为茎﹥穗﹥叶,第2年度高于第1年度。饲草品质性状在组织间和刈割期间存在显著差异,而在年度间仅在单个品种若干性状上存在差异;粗蛋白含量表现为穗﹥叶﹥茎,且随刈割期后移下降;粗纤维、酸性洗涤纤维、中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤木质素含量均为茎﹥叶﹥穗,且随刈割期后移前3个性状先降后升,酸性洗涤木质素含量持续上升;粗脂肪含量为叶﹥穗﹥茎,且随刈割期后移上升。综上,在株高相当时,增加穗部比例可提高大麦饲草产量和品质;刈割期后移可提升饲草产量但降低品质。基于本研究,选育大穗、多叶型品种,适期刈割,有望同步提升大麦饲草产量和品质。
      In order to elucidate the effects of different tissues(stem, leaf and spike) with different cutting dates on changes of barley forage yield and quality, two dominant forage barley varieties in Anhui Province were used to compare the differences in forage yield and quality of the stem, leaf and spike, harvested at full heading stage and other two later stages with 14-day intervals for each cutting across two growing years. The results showed that tissue, cutting date, and their interactions had significant impacts on both forage yield and quality(P<0.05), with year effect mainly affecting forage yield, while other interaction effects vary with different varieties and traits. Forage yield increased with delay of cutting, ranked as stem>spike>leaf, and was higher in the second year than in the first year. Forage quality traits differed among tissues and cutting dates, while the differences were only found between years in several traits of the individual variety. Among them, the crude protein content ranked as spike>leaf>stem, which decreased with delay of cutting. The contents of crude fiber, acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent lignin ranked as stem>leaf>spike, with the former three traits first decreasing and then increasing with delay of cutting. The content of acid detergent lignin continued to increase. The crude fat content ranked as leaf>spike>stem, and increased with delay of cutting. Therefore, increasing the proportion of panicles can improve the yield and quality of barley forage. Delaying cutting date can increase forage yield but reduce quality. Based on this study, the breeding of large panicle and multi leaf varieties, with appropriate cutting time, is expected to simultaneously improve the yield and quality of barley forage.
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