
王 英,李立军,韩 雪,赵鑫瑶,韩冬雨,张宏杰,李嘉琪.宽幅条播对燕麦间作箭筈豌豆产量及种间关系的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(6):795
Effect of Wide Strip Sowing on Seed Yield and Interspecific Relationships under Oats and Common Vetch Intercropping
中文关键词:  燕麦  箭筈豌豆  宽幅条播  间作  籽粒产量  产量构成因素  土地当量比  实际产量损失
英文关键词:Oat  Common vetch  Wide strip sowing  Intercropping  Seed yield  Yield components  Land equivalent ratio  Actual yield loss
王 英,李立军,韩 雪,赵鑫瑶,韩冬雨,张宏杰,李嘉琪 (内蒙古农业大学农学院内蒙古呼和浩特 010019) 
摘要点击次数: 118
全文下载次数: 108
      To clarify the effect of wide strip sowing on the productivity of oat and common vetch intercropping system, in this study, the effects of different sowing methods and cropping patterns on crop yield, interspecific relationships and oat yield components were investigated under two sowing methods: conventional strip sowing and wide strip sowing. The results showed that intercropping significantly increased oat forage and seed yield by 24.25% to 32.77% and 27.44% to 32.69%, respectively, but decreased common vetch forage and seed yield by 7.16% to 8.08% and 2.80% to 5.48%, respectively, compared with monoculture. Wide strip sowing can increase the yield of oats and common vetch, and the land equivalent ratio for forage and grain yield in wide intercropping was 0.03 and 0.06 higher than that in conventional intercropping, respectively. For different intercropping combinations, the invasiveness of oat was greater than 0; the actual yield loss was greater than 1; the competition ratio was greater than 1, and the relative crowding coefficient of oat was greater than that of common vetch, indicating that oat is in a competitive advantage in the intercropping system. Intercropping with oat significantly increased the number of ears, number of grains per ear, and weight per ear compared to monoculture, with an average increase rate of 24.23%, 14.84%, and 17.43%, respectively. Among them, the number of grains per ear, number of panicles per hectare, and weight per ear in the wide intercropping treatment were significantly higher than those in other treatments. It can be seen that intercropping with common vetch under wide strip sowing can improve oat productivity and effectively utilize land resources.
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