
杨 梅,李雪萌,秦保平,许佳成,张 敏,蔡瑞国,杨 敏.水氮运筹对强筋小麦干物质转运与籽粒产量的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(6):770
Effects of Water and Nitrogen Management on Matter Translocation and Grain Yield of Strong Gluten Wheat
中文关键词:  强筋小麦  水氮运筹  籽粒产量  物质转运
英文关键词:Strong gluten wheat  Water and nitrogen management  Grain yield  Matter translocation
杨 梅,李雪萌,秦保平,许佳成,张 敏,蔡瑞国,杨 敏 (河北科技师范学院农学与生物科技学院/河北省作物逆境生物学重点实验室河北秦皇岛 066004) 
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      为探讨冀东麦区水氮运筹对强筋小麦干物质转运与籽粒产量的影响,以强筋小麦品种津农7号为材料,采用裂区试验设计,以追氮春灌时间为主区[返青期追氮灌水(T1)、起身期追氮灌水(T2)和拔节期追氮灌水(T3)],氮肥运筹为副区[基施N 120 kg·hm-2+追施N 120 kg·hm-2(N1)、基施N 90 kg·hm-2+追施N 120 kg·hm-2(N2)和基施N 120 kg·hm-2+追施N 90 kg·hm-2(N3)],比较分析不同处理下津农7号籽粒产量、干物质转运和氮肥偏生产力的差异。结果表明,水氮运筹对津农7号的籽粒产量和穗粒数影响显著,不同处理下小麦籽粒产量为8 734.82~9 763.22 kg·hm-2,其中T2N1和T2N2处理的籽粒产量显著高于其他处理;T2的平均氮肥偏生产力较T1和T3分别高4.84%和1.88%,且T2N2处理最高。各处理花后干物质转运对籽粒产量的贡献率为57.35%~89.74%,说明小麦籽粒产量多源于花后干物质积累。T2条件下成熟期小麦营养器官氮素积累量和籽粒氮素积累量均显著高于T1和T3,且N3下花前氮素转运效率较N2无显著变化,说明追氮灌水前移至起身期可促进强筋小麦氮素转运及籽粒氮素积累。在本试验条件下,基施N 90 kg·hm-2,起身期灌水并追施N 120 kg·hm-2可在协调小麦干物质和氮素的积累、转运和分配的同时稳定产量,提高氮肥利用率,从而实现强筋小麦节氮稳产。
      In order to explore the effects of water and nitrogen management on the matter translocation and grain yield of strong gluten wheat in Eastern Hebei Plain, Jinnong 7, a strong gluten wheat variety was selected as material in this experiment. In the split plot design, the water and nitrogen topdressing treatment time was the main plot: topdressing nitrogen and irrigation at regreening stage (T1), at rising stage (T2), and at jointing stage (T3); Nitrogen management was in sub-plot: basal application N 120 kg·hm-2 + topdressing N 120 kg·hm-2 (N1), basal application N 90 kg·hm-2 + topdressing N 120 kg·hm-2 (N2), and basal application N 120 kg·hm-2 + topdressing N 90 kg·hm-2 (N3). The differences of grain yield, matter translocation and nitrogen partial factor productivity of Jinnong 7 among different treatments were analyzed. The results showed that the water and nitrogen management had a significant effect on grain yield and grain number per spike of Jinnong 7. The grain yield under different treatments were 8 734.82-9 763.22 kg·hm-2, and the grain yield of T2N1 and T2N2 treatments were significantly higher than that of other treatments. Meanwhile, the average nitrogen partial factor productivity of T2 treatment was 4.84% and 1.88% higher than that of T1 and T3 treatments, respectively, with T2N2 treatment having the maximum value. The contribution rate of post-flowering dry matter translocation to grain ranged from 57.35% to 89.74% for each treatment, indicating that grain yield was mainly derived from post-flowering dry matter accumulation. Nitrogen accumulation amount in vegetative organs and grain at maturity stage under T2treatment were significantly higher than that under T1and T3 treatments. There was no significant change in pre-flowering nitrogen translocation rate under the N3 treatment compared with that under the N2 treatment, suggesting that water and nitrogen topdnessing treatment time moving to the rising stage promoted nitrogen translocation and grain nitrogen accumulation in strong gluten wheat. Therefore, the treatment with basal application N of 90 kg·hm-2 , and irrigation topdressing N of 120 kg·hm-2 at rising stage can increase nitrogen use efficiency while coordinating the accumulation, translocation, and distribution of dry matter and nitrogen and stabilizing grain yield, thus realizing nitrogen-saving and stable yield of strong gluten wheat.
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