
李 丽,贾文欣,徐 昊,李春燕,丁锦峰,朱 敏,郭文善,朱新开.缓释肥类型及其运筹方式对弱筋小麦产量及品质的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2024,(6):758
Effects of Types and Application Methods of Slow-Release Fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Weak-Gluten Wheat
中文关键词:  弱筋小麦  缓释肥  产量  氮素积累转运  品质  经济效益
英文关键词:Weak-gluten wheat  Slow-release fertilizer  Yield  Nitrogen accumulation and transport  Quality  Economic benefit
李 丽,贾文欣,徐 昊,李春燕,丁锦峰,朱 敏,郭文善,朱新开 (1.江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室/扬州大学小麦研究中心江苏扬州 225009 2.江苏省粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心江苏扬州 225009 3.教育部农业与农产品安全国际合作联合实验室江苏扬州 225009) 
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      In order to explore the regulation effect and mechanism of different types and application modes of slow-release fertilizer on yield and quality of wheat, a weak-gluten wheat variety Yangmai 33 was used as experimental material, and three types (eight different brands) of slow-release fertilizers were selected as the test nitrogen sources\[including coated slow-release fertilizers (S1-S5), synthetic slightly soluble slow-release fertilizer (S6), and chemically inhibited slow-release fertilizers (S7, S8)\], with two fertilization modes of slow-release fertilizer: 100% slow-release fertilizer applied pre-sowing (M1) and 60% slow-release fertilizer applied pre-sowing and 40% slow-release fertilizer applied at re-greening (M2). Conventional urea fertilization was used as the control (CK) with base fertilizer: tiller fertilizer: jointing fertilizer: panicle fertilizer was 5∶1∶2∶2. The effects of different types of slow-release fertilizers and their application methods on wheat yield, nitrogen accumulation and transport, nitrogen efficiency, quality and economic benefits were investigated under the same nitrogen application level. The results showed that compared with CK, the wheat yield, nitrogen accumulation at anthesis and maturity, grain nitrogen accumulation, pre-anthesis nitrogen transport and rate, post-anthesis nitrogen accumulation and its contribution rate to grain and nitrogen utilization efficiency of the same slow-release fertilizer variety all ranked as M2>CK>M1. Under M2 model, the order of the slow-release fertilizer caused wheat yield increased significant was S6>S1>S2>S3>S8. Under M1 mode, the quality of the eight kinds of slow-release fertilizers conformed to the national standard of weak-gluten wheat. Under M2 model, the grain quality indices of all treatments except for S2 and S6 met the requirements of weak-gluten quality, and except that the net benefit of M2S5, the output value and net benefit of other treatments ranked as M2>CK>M1. According to the comprehensive view, under the conditions of this experiment, S1 (sulfur coated type), S3 (resin coated type) and S8 (inhibitory type) under the ferilization mode of 60% slow-release fertilizer applied pre-snowing and 40% slow-release fertilizer applied at re-greening can jointly improve the yield, quality, nitrogen efficiency and economic benefits of weak-gluten wheat.
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