
Genome-Wide Association Study of Plant Height and Kernel Traits of Color Wheat
中文关键词:  彩色小麦  株高  籽粒性状  GWAS  SNP
英文关键词:Color wheat  Plant height  Kernel traits  GWAS  SNP
李浩阳,顾晶晶,赵文莎,宋鹏博,赵慧玲,张傲琰,张传量,王琪琳,孙道杰 (1.西北农林科技大学农学院陕西杨凌 712100 2.洛阳市农林科学院河南洛阳 4710003.陕西九丰农业科技有限公司陕西宝鸡 722299) 
摘要点击次数: 128
全文下载次数: 136
      彩色小麦的产量通常低于普通白粒和红粒小麦,籽粒偏小是原因之一。为解析控制彩色小麦产量性状的遗传基础,分析了239份彩色小麦品种(系)在4个环境下的表型特性和16 K SNP芯片基因型数据,对株高和籽粒性状(千粒重、籽粒长、籽粒宽和籽粒长宽比)的QTL进行了全基因组关联分析(genome-wide-association-study, GWAS)。结果显示,各表型性状的变异系数为5.11%~32.91%,广义遗传力为71.88%~97.00%,多数性状之间具有显著相关性。通过GWAS共筛选出26 728个多态性SNP标记,定位到了17个与目标性状显著相关的稳定QTL位点,分布在1A、1B、1D、2B等12条染色体上,单个QTL解释5.26%~11.66%的表型变异,其中在3个环境下均被检测到的QTL有5个,分别为QPh.nwafu-4B.1、QKlwr.nwafu-1D、QKlwr.nwafu-4D、QKlwr.nwafu-5B.1和QKlwr.nwafu-6A.2;共发现10个未见报道的新QTL位点,分别为与株高相关的QPh.nwafu-4B.3,与千粒重相关的QTkw.nwafu-3B和QTkw.nwafu-6A,与籽粒长宽比相关的QKlwr.nwafu-1A、QKlwr.nwafu-1B、QKlwr.nwafu-4A、QKlwr.nwafu-5B.2、QKlwr.nwafu-6A.1和QKlwr.nwafu-6A.2。这些QTL位点初步表明了彩色小麦株高与籽粒性状基因位点的分布、组成,可为彩色小麦产量遗传改良提高参考。
      The yield of color wheat is usually lower than that of ordinary white and red grain wheat, and the smaller grain is one of the reasons. In order to analyze the genetic basis controlling yield traits of color wheat, the phenotypic characteristics of 239 color wheat varieties(lines) in four environments and 16 K SNP array genotype data were analyzed, and the genome-wide association analysis of QTL of plant height and kernel traits (thousand-kernel weight, kernel length, kernel width and kernel length-width ratio) was conducted. The results showed that the coefficient of variation of each phenotypic trait was 5.11% to 32.91%, and the generalized heritability was 71.88% to 97.00%, with significant correlation among most traits. A total of 26 728 polymorphic SNP markers were identified by GWAS, and 17 stable QTL loci were identified to significantly correlate with the target traits, distributed on 12 chromosomes including 1A, 1B, 1D, 2B, and so on. Individual QTL explained 5.26% to 11.66% of phenotypic variation, among which, 5 QTLs were detected in all three environments:QPh.nwafu-4B.1, QKlwr.nwafu-1D, QKlwr.nwafu-4D, QKlwr.nwafu-5B.1, and QKlwr.nwafu-6A.2. A total of 10 new QTLs were identified in this study: QPh.nwafu-4B.3 associated with plant height; QTkw.nwafu-3B and QTkw.nwafu-6A associated with thousand-kernel weight; QKlwr.nwafu-1A, QKlwr.nwafu-1B, QKlwr.nwafu-4A, QKlwr.nwafu-5B.2, QKlwr.nwafu-6A.1, QKlwr.nwafu-6A.2, and QKlwr.nwafu-7B associated with kernel length-width ratio. These QTLs primarily clarifythe distribution and composition of plant height and kernel traits of color wheat, and could be a reference for genetic improvement of yield of color wheat.
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