
Analysis of Water Demand and Water Deficit of Drought Alkali Wheat in Hebei under Different Hydrological Year Patterns
投稿时间:2024-01-09  修订日期:2024-03-20
中文关键词:  旱碱麦  水文年型  需水量  缺水量  灌溉需求指数
英文关键词:Drought alkali wheat  Hydrological year type  Water demand  Water shortage  Irrigation demand index
秦俊灵* 沧州市气象局 河北省沧州市运河区沧州市气象局
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      为了量化河北旱碱麦各生育期需水量及缺水量指标,利用旱碱麦主产区气象观测资料,采用皮尔逊Ⅲ型曲线确定降水频率界限值分别为25%、50%、75%的丰水年、平水年、枯水年、特枯水年4种水文年型及相应有效降水量,利用Penman-Monteith模型,并结合作物系数法和土壤修正系数法,求得在4种水文年型下旱碱麦的需水量、缺水量和灌溉需求指数特征指标及其时空分布特征。结果表明:1988—2022年间,旱碱麦全生育期需水量呈显著增多,降水量、有效降水量、缺水量呈增多趋势。不同水文年型间,缺水量和灌溉需求指数随年降水量的减少明显增多,4种年型下分别为97.7、106.5、126.2、149.7 mm和0.56、0.60、0.70、0.79;而需水量差异较小,均值为181.0 mm。空间上,需水量呈北多南少,缺水量呈西北多东南少特征。各生育期需水特征有明显差异,返青至灌浆期需水量较大,水分亏缺较为严重,其中返青期亏缺最为严重,需水量、缺水量和灌溉需求指数分别为48.1、38.7 mm和0.80。综合来看,根据水文年型按照不同比例进行旱碱麦调水灌溉,可节约灌溉成本,保障旱碱麦稳产高产;区划时侧重向南部孟村、盐山、海兴县市扩展,可实现旱碱麦播种面积的有效扩展,加强盐碱地综合利用。
      To quantify the water demand and the water deficit of drought-alkali wheat in Hebei. We utilized meteorological observation data from the drought alkali wheat areas. By adopting the Pearson III curve, the precipitation frequency thresholds for 25%, 50%, 75% were respectively determined to be Wet, Average, Dry and Very dry years, along with the corresponding effective precipitation. Using the Penman-Monteith model, combined with the crop coefficient method and soil correction coefficient method. We calculated the water demand, water deficit and irrigation demand index characteristics and their spatiotemporal distribution under four hydrological year types. The results: From 1988 to 2022, the water demand for drought alkali wheat's entire growth period significantly increased, and precipitation, effective precipitation and water deficit increased. Across different hydrological year types, the water deficit and irrigation demand index significantly increased with the decrease in annual precipitation, being 97.7, 106.5, 126.2, 149.7 mm and 0.56, 0.60, 0.70, 0.79 for the four types, respectively. The variance in water demand was relatively minor, with an average of 181.0 mm. Spatially, water requiremen was higher in the north and lower in the south, while water deficit was more significant in the northwest than in the southeast. The water requiremen characteristics differed significantly between growth periods, with the greening to grain filling period requiring more water and experiencing more severe water deficits. The greening period faced the most severe deficit, with water requiremen, water deficit and irrigation demand index at 48.1, 38.7 mm and 0.80, respectively. In summary, adjusting irrigation for drought alkali wheat based on the proportion of different hydrological year types can save irrigation costs and ensure stable and high yields of drought alkali wheat. The focus should be on expanding to the southern regions of Mengcun, Yanshan and Haixing counties, which could effectively increase the sowing area of drought-alkali wheat and enhance the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land.
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