
郁凌华,邢 程,荀 静,缪新伟,王 军,曹文昕,岳 伟.基于PSO-SVR模型的小麦赤霉病病穗率预测方法[J].麦类作物学报,2023,(11):1434
Prediction Method of Diseased Spike Rate of Wheat Scab Based on PSO-SVR Model
中文关键词:  灰色关联分析  粒子群算法  支持向量回归  气象  小麦赤霉病  病穗率
英文关键词:GRA  PSO  SVR  Meteorology  Wheat scab  Diseased spike rate
郁凌华,邢 程,荀 静,缪新伟,王 军,曹文昕,岳 伟 (1.安徽省滁州市气象局,安徽滁州 239000 2.安徽省滁州市农业农村技术推广中心,安徽滁州 239000 3.安徽省滁州市南谯区农业农村技术推广中心,安徽滁州 239000 4.安徽省农业科学院作物研究所安徽合肥 230031
5.安徽省农业气象中心,安徽合肥 230031)
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全文下载次数: 195
      In order to explore the prediction method of diseased spike rate of wheat scab,the main meteorological factors were selected as the input feature vectors of the support vector regression(SVR) model by correlation and grey relation analysis(GRA) using the data of diseased spike rate of wheat scab and corresponding meteorological data in Chuzhou from 2005 to 2020. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to optimize the penalty factor C and the kernel function parameter g of SVR. The prediction model of wheat scab was established based on PSO-SVR.At the same time, PSO-SVR sub-models such as PSO-SVR-SOUTH and PSO-SVR-NORTH were constructed according to different local wheat varieties. Three models were applied to predict the diseased spike rate of wheat scab in Chuzhou. The results showed that: jointing to grouting period was the important period affecting wheat scab in Chuzhou.The meteorological factors, such as precipitation, rainy days, humidity, sunshine etc. in each development period were highly associated with wheat scab.The prediction model of diseased spike rate of wheat scab based on PSO-SVR initialized at different time was constructed. The higher accuracy of PSO-SVR model appeared when the initial time of PSO-SVR was close to grain-filling stage.The maximum correlation coefficient between the predicted value and the actual value of the test sample is 0.68, and the minimum root mean square error is 9.55%. The prediction effect of PSO-SVR-SOUTH and PSO-SVR-NORTH models according to different wheat varieties were better than that of the original PSO-SVR model.Compared with the original model, the mean absolute error of PSO-SVR-SOUTH and PSO-SVR-NORTH models with the latest initial time were reduced by 63.7% and 20.8%, respectively;the root mean square error were reduced by 61.6% and 40.6%; the correlation coefficients were increased by 38.2% and 29.4%, and the goodness of fit R2were increased by 1.4 times and 1.1 times.The model is good for operational service, which can be used to predict the occurrence trend of wheat scab in Chuzhou.
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