
刘丽华, 刘阳娜,周 悦,李宏博,张明明,屈平平,赵昌平,庞斌双.基于高效SNP芯片的小麦产量相关性状全基因组关联分析[J].麦类作物学报,2023,(11):1404
Genome-Wide Association Analysis of Wheat Yield Related Traits Based on Efficient SNP Array
中文关键词:  小麦  产量相关性状  关联分析  SNP芯片
英文关键词:Wheat  Yield-related traits  Association analysis  SNP array
基金项目:北京市农林科学院科技创新能力建设专项(KJCX20210438, KJCX20230301, KJCX20230307)
刘丽华, 刘阳娜,周 悦,李宏博,张明明,屈平平,赵昌平,庞斌双 (北京市农林科学院杂交小麦研究所杂交小麦分子遗传北京市重点实验室农业农村部农作物DNA指纹创新利用重点实验室北京 100097) 
摘要点击次数: 265
全文下载次数: 256
      挖掘小麦产量相关性状的稳定关联位点,为相关基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择提供理论依据。本研究以248个中国北部冬麦区育成品种为材料,利用自主研发的Affymetrix BAAFS Wheat 90K SNP芯片对株高、穗长、小穗数、穗粒数、有效分蘖数、粒长、粒宽和千粒重共8个产量相关性状进行全基因组关联分析。共检测到158个与8个性状显著关联(P≤0.00001)的SNP位点,其中45个位点至少在两个环境中稳定表达,解释平均表型变异的3.60%~10.51%。在这45个位点中,有8个稳定关联位点与以往的研究结果一致;37个为新发现稳定位点,其中3个与株高稳定关联的位点,分布在7D染色体上,解释表型变异的3.60%~4.39%;9个与穗长稳定关联的位点,分别分布在1D、3A、5B和7D染色体上,解释表型变异的5.61%~8.42%;1个与穗粒数稳定关联的位点,分布在7D染色体上,解释表型变异的6.06%~7.22%;8个与有效分蘖数稳定关联的位点,分布在1B染色体上,解释表型变异的6.33%~8.73%;6个与粒长稳定关联的位点,分别分布在2A和5B染色体上,解释表型变异的5.45%~6.62%;7个与粒宽稳定关联的位点,分别分布在4B和5A染色体上,解释表型变异的6.90%~10.51%;3个与千粒重稳定关联的位点,分布在3A染色体上,解释表型变异的7.05%~7.69%;对稳定位点进行候选基因分析,筛选到45个候选基因,其中有功能注释的基因41个,其中4个位于基因内。
      The stable association loci of wheat yield-related traits were excavated to provide theoretical basis for related gene cloning and molecular marker-assisted selection. In this study, the genome-wide association analysis was performed on 248 winter wheat varieties bred in northern China using Affymetrix BAAFS Wheat 90K SNP array for eight traits including plant height, spike length, spikelet number, kernel number per spike, effective tiller, thousand-kernel weight, kernel length and kernel width. A total of 158 SNP loci significantly associated with eight traits (P≤0.00001) were detected, of which 45 SNPs were stably expressed in at least two environments, explaining 3.60% to 10.51% of the average phenotypic variation. Eight stably associated SNPs were consistent with previous studies; 37 new stably associated SNPs were found, three of which were stably associated with plant height, distributed on chromosome 7D, explaining 3.60% to 4.39% of phenotypic variation; nine loci stably associated with spike length were distributed on chromosomes 1D, 3A, 5B and 7D, explaining 5.61% to 8.42% of phenotypic variation; one locus stably associated with kernel number per spike was distributed on chromosome 7D, explaining 6.06% to 7.22% of the phenotypic variation; eight loci stably associated with effective tillers were distributed on chromosome 1B, explaining 6.33% to 8.73% of phenotypic variation; six loci stably associated with kernel length were distributed on chromosomes 2A and 5B, explaining 5.45% to 6.62% of phenotypic variation; seven loci stably associated with kernel width were distributed on chromosomes 4B and 5A, explaining 6.90% to 10.51% of phenotypic variation; three loci stably associated with thousand-kernel weight were distributed on chromosome 3A, explaining 7.05% to 7.69% of phenotypic variation. By analyzing candidate genes of stable loci, 45 candidate genes were screened, including 41 genes with functional annotation, four of which were located in the ORF regeion.
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