
李 敏,赖晨骏,李金鹏,李金才,朱玉磊,宋有洪.灌浆期高温对冬小麦叶源与粒库生理特征的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2022,(12):1567
Effect of High Temperature during Grain Filling Stage on Physiological Properties of Both Leaf Source and Grain Sink in Winter Wheat
中文关键词:  冬小麦  高温  粒位  粒重  淀粉含量  籽粒产量
英文关键词:Winter wheat  High temperature  Spikelet position  Grain weight  Starch content  Grain yield
李 敏,赖晨骏,李金鹏,李金才,朱玉磊,宋有洪 (安徽农业大学农学院安徽合肥 230036) 
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全文下载次数: 372
      为研究灌浆期高温对冬小麦灌浆和产量的影响,以耐热型品种淮麦33和高温敏感型品种华成3366为材料,于灌浆期(花后14~20 d)进行高温处理,以田间自然温度生长的小麦为对照,研究高温对旗叶叶绿素含量、抗氧化酶活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量和糖含量以及籽粒淀粉含量和淀粉合成关键酶活性的影响,并对小麦粒重、产量等指标进行测定。结果表明,高温处理显著降低了淮麦33和华成3366旗叶的叶绿素含量,降幅分别为5.88%和9.86%;降低了两品种旗叶的抗氧化酶活性,提高了旗叶MDA、可溶性糖和蔗糖含量;高温处理也显著降低了两品种籽粒的腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPase)、结合态淀粉合成酶(GBSS)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)和淀粉分支酶(SBE)活性,并减少了支链淀粉和总淀粉含量,其中淮麦33和华成3366的籽粒总淀粉含量分别下降了5.63%和8.77%;高温处理主要降低了淮麦33小穗第3粒位的粒重及华成3366小穗第1、2和3粒位的粒重,2018-2019、2019-2020年度淮麦33和华成3366的产量分别下降了5.07%和16.33%、6.23%和8.90%。与高温敏感型品种华成3366相比,耐热型品种淮麦33受高温影响较小。综上所述,灌浆期高温处理显著降低旗叶叶绿素含量和抗氧化酶活性,影响叶片中碳水化合物的转运,导致淀粉合成关键酶活性、淀粉含量和产量降低。
      In order to study the effects of high temperature on grain filling and yield of winter wheat during grain filling stage,a heat resistant variety Huaimai 33 and a heat sensitive variety Huacheng 3366 were treated with high temperature during grain filling stage(14-20 days after anthesis),with the wheat grown at natural temperature in the field as control,to study the effects of high temperature on chlorophyll content,antioxidant enzyme activity,malondialdehyde(MDA) content,sugar content in flag leaves,starch content,key enzymes activity of starch synthesis in grains,and the grain weight and yield of wheat.The results showed that high temperature significantly reduced the chlorophyll content of Huaimai 33 and Huacheng 3366 flag leaves by 5.88% and 9.86%,respectively,reduce the activity of antioxidant enzymes,but increased the content of MDA,soluble sugar and sucrose in wheat flag leaves. High temperature treatment also significantly decreased the activities of ADPG pyrophosphorylase(AGPase),bound starch synthase(GBSS),soluble starch synthase(SSS) and starch branching enzyme(SBE) in the grains of the two varieties,and decreased the content of amylopectin and total starch. The total starch content of Huaimai 33 and Huacheng 3366 decreased by 5.63% and 8.77%,respectively. High temperature treatment mainly reduced the grain weight of the third spikelet position of Huaimai 33 and the grain weight of the first,second and third spikelet positions of Huacheng 3366. The yield of Huaimai 33 and Huacheng 3366 in 2018-2019,2019-2020 was decreased by 5.07% and 16.33%, 6.23% and 8.90%,respectively. Compared with the high temperature sensitive variety Huacheng 3366,the heat resistant variety Huaimai 33 was less affected by high temperature. In conclusion,high temperature treatment during grain filling stage significantly reduced the chlorophyll content and antioxidant enzyme activity of flag leaves,affected the transport of carbohydrates in leaves,and led to the decline of key enzyme activity of starch synthesis,starch content and yield.
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