
陶 源,赵凯敏,代存虎,刘明敏,朱 敏,丁锦峰,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善.花后短暂高低温胁迫对小麦产量形成的影响及减灾调控[J].麦类作物学报,2022,(12):1557
Effects of Short-Term Low or High Temperature Stress after Anthesis on Yield Formation and Its Regulation of Disaster Mitigation
中文关键词:  籽粒灌浆期  温度胁迫  小麦产量  减灾调控
英文关键词:Grain filling stage  Temperature stress  Yield formation  Measures of regulation post-disaster
陶 源,赵凯敏,代存虎,刘明敏,朱 敏,丁锦峰,李春燕,朱新开,郭文善 (扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理国家重点实验室培育点/粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心/扬州大学小麦研究中心江苏扬州 225009) 
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      为明确花后阶段高、低温胁迫对冬小麦光合特性、籽粒发育及产量形成的影响,利用人工智能控温室开展盆栽小麦高、低温度胁迫试验,以宁麦13和镇麦12为试验材料,在花后7~9、15~17、23~25和 31~33 d分别进行低温和高温胁迫处理,并在温度胁迫后喷施1 μmol·L-1 2,4-表油菜素内酯(BR)、0.5 mol·L-1 亚精胺+腐胺(Spd+Put)进行减灾调控,分析小麦旗叶净光合速率、SPAD值、籽粒形态、产量变化及减灾调控效果。结果表明,与自然温度处理相比,花后不同阶段低温胁迫结束当天小麦旗叶SPAD值先升高,3 d后显著下降;高温胁迫后SPAD值降低4.67%~29.00%。两品种旗叶净光合速率在高、低温胁迫处理下均降低。高、低温胁迫显著降低粒宽,增加籽粒长宽比,导致籽粒表面皱缩。籽粒灌浆时间在花后低温胁迫下延长1~3 d,在高温胁迫下缩短1~5 d。温度胁迫后优势和弱势小穗籽粒灌浆速率分别下降2.75%~37.64%和3.31%~ 40.34%,产量降低5.46%~35.24%。温度胁迫后喷施BR与Spd+Put均能缓解温度胁迫的伤害,使产量分别提高1.09%~6.05%和1.00%~5.97%。综上,花后不同阶段高、低温胁迫均显著降低小麦粒重与产量,影响程度表现为花后15~17 d>花后7~9 d>花后23~25 d>花后31~33 d,胁迫结束后喷施外源BR和Spd+Put有一定的减灾效果,特别是花后15~17 d和23~25 d灾后喷施BR效果较佳。
      In order to clarify the effects of short-term high or low temperature stress after anthesis on photosynthetic characteristics,grain development and yield formation of winter wheat,a pot experiment was carried out in a phytotron greenhouse in the wheat growing season of 2020-2021. Two wheat varieties,Ningmai 13 and Zhenmai 12,were used as experimental materials. Low temperature and high temperature treatment were conducted during 7-9 days after anthesis (termed as DAA 7-9),DAA 15-17,DAA 23-25 and DAA 31-33,respectively. At the same time,2.4-epibrassinolide (BR,1 μmol·L-1) and nitrile amine together with putrescine (Spd+Put,0.5 mol·L-1) were used to mitigate the disaster caused by temperature stresses. Changes in the net photosynthetic rate and SPAD value of flag leaf,grain morphology,and yield of wheat,and the effects of regulation measures on disaster mitigation were studied and analyzed. The results showed that the SPAD value of flag leaf was increased on the last day of low temperature stress at the four stages,but was decreased significantly on the third day after stress. SPAD value was decreased by 4.67%-29.00% after high temperature stress. Net photosynthetic rate of flag leaf for both wheat varieties was decreased under high or low temperature stresses. Grain width decreased more significantly than grain length did after abnormal temperature stresses at different stages,while the ratio of grain length to width increased,leading grains shriveled.Grain filling period was prolonged 1-3 d after low temperature stress,while shortened 1-5 d after high temperature stress. Grain filling rate of superior spikelets and inferior spikelets were decreased by 2.75%-37.64% and 3.31%-40.34%,respectively,resulting in the decreased yield (5.46%-35.24%).In addition,spraying BR and Spd+Put alleviated the damage of temperature stresses,and the yield was increased by 1.09%-6.05% and 1.00%-5.97%,respectively. In conclusion,the influence of high or low temperature stresses on wheat grain weight and yield at different stages after anthesis ranked as DAA 15-17>DAA 7-9 >DAA 23-25>DAA 31-33. It is suggested that spraying BR can obtain better alleviating effect under the abnormal temperature stresses during the four stages,particularly after abnormal temperature stresses at DAA 5-17 and DAA 23-25.
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