
Effect of Different Irrigation Management Practices and Soil Compaction after Sowing on Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield of Wheat
中文关键词:  小麦  微喷灌  干物质积累  籽粒产量
英文关键词:Wheat  Micro-sprinkling  Dry matter accumulation  Grain yield
李金鹏,黄敬尧,王坤坤,李中蔚,李昕悦,李金才,宋有洪 (安徽农业大学农学院安徽合肥 230036) 
摘要点击次数: 275
全文下载次数: 464
      In order to clarify the effect of different irrigation management practices and soil compaction after sowing on dry matter accumulation and yield of wheat,a cultivar Yannong 19 was selected as the trial material in this field study,and rain-fed(RI),rain-fed and soil compaction after sowing(RC),traditional flooding irrigation(TI),traditional flooding irrigation and soil compaction after sowing(TC),micro-sprinkling irrigation(MI),and micro-sprinkling irrigation and soil compaction after sowing(MC) were designed. The effect of different treatments on dry matter accumulation and yield of wheat was investigated in this experiment. The results showed that,compared with RI and TI,the yields of MI was increased by 44.2% and 11.0%,respectively. The lowest yield in RI was attributed to the significant decrease in spike number,grain number per spike(GN) and thousand-kernel weight(TKW),and both GN and TKW of TI significantly decreased than those of MI,resulting in a decline in yield. However,the treatments of soil compaction after sowing significantly increased yield in rain-fed and traditional irrigation practices,by 14.1% and 6.21%,respectively. MI maintained a higher population leaf area index(LAI) and flag leaf chlorophyll content(SPAD value) at anthesis and filling stages,and significantly improved the grain filling rate,and the accumulation of dry matter at maturity was significantly higher than that of TI and RI. Soil compaction after sowing improved the LAI in rain-fed and traditional irrigation treatments,and it significantly improved SPAD value in rain-fed and micro-sprinkling practices during the grain filling stage,accelerated the grain filling,and thus increased TKW and the dry matter accumulation. Overall,micro-sprinkling irrigation and soil compaction after sowing promoted the formation of wheat population,delayed the senescence of leaf,improved the GN and TKW,and realized the high-yield production of wheat in Huaibei Plain.
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