
Effect of Organic Nitrogen Replacing Partial Inorganic Nitrogen on Wheat Yield and Nutrient Accumulation in Qinghai Dryland
中文关键词:  春小麦  有机氮替代无机氮  产量  养分积累
英文关键词:Spring wheat  Organic nitrogen replacing inorganic nitrogen  Yield  nutrient accumulation
马玲春,徐仲阳,高旭升,王亚艺,张鑫鹏,李松龄 (青海大学农林科学院青海西宁 810016) 
摘要点击次数: 253
全文下载次数: 358
      In order to explore the effects of organic nitrogen replacing chemical fertilizer on wheat yield and nutrient accumulation,a field experiment was conducted with a self-bred variety Qingchun 38 of Qinghai Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences from 2018 to 2020.Six treatments were set up:blank control(CK),single application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer(PK),farmers’ conventional fertilization(FP),organic fertilizer nitrogen replacing 50% of inorganic fertilizer nitrogen(50%OM),organic fertilizer nitrogen replacing 30% of inorganic fertilizer nitrogen(30%OM),and organic fertilizer nitrogen replacing 10% of inorganic fertilizer nitrogen(10%OM).A randomized block design was used to study the effect of different proportion of organic nitrogen replacement treatments on wheat yield,and their effect on wheat nutrient accumulation were analyzed in 2020.The results showed that the yield of all fertilization treatments was significantly higher than that of CK. The yield of wheat under 50%OM treatment was the highest in 2018,which was significantly higher than that of other treatments. In 2019,FP treatment had the highest yield,but there was no significant difference between 50%OM and 10%OM treatments.In 2020,wheat yield was the highest under 10%OM treatment,but there was no significant difference from that of 50%OM treatment.In terms of nutrient accumulation,compared with CK treatment,the nutrient accumulation in grain,straw and leaves increased to varying degrees under all fertilization treatments. In grains,the nitrogen accumulation was the highest under 30%OM treatment,and the phosphorus and potassium accumulations were the highest under 10%OM treatment. There was no significant difference in the three nutrient accumulations between 10%OM treatment and 30%OM treatment. In straws,there was no significant difference in nitrogen and potassium accumulation among all treatments,while phosphorus accumulation was the highest under PK treatment,but there was no significant difference from that of 30%OM treatment. In leaves,the nitrogen accumulation was the highest under 30%OM treatment,which was significantly higher than that of CK treatment,and there was no significant difference in phosphorus and potassium accumulation among all treatments. Overall,50%OM treatment had the highest wheat yield; 10% OM and 30% OM treatments had higher grain nutrient accumulation at maturity.
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