
Characteristics of Wheat Yield and Fertilizer Efficiency in the Yellow River Delta Based on Meta Analysis
中文关键词:  小麦  黄河三角洲  Meta分析  产量  肥料利用率
英文关键词:Wheat  Yellow River Delta  Meta-analysis  Yield  Fertilizer efficiency
梁海波,李升东,高璐阳 (1.东营市农业农村局山东东营2570912.山东省农科院作物研究所山东济南2501003.新洋丰农业科技股份有限公司/农业农村部作物专用肥料重点实验室湖北荆门 448000
山东菏泽 274000) 
摘要点击次数: 324
全文下载次数: 433
      为探究黄河三角洲小麦产量及肥效特征,通过检索已发表的相关文献,采用整合分析法(Meta-analysis),对黄河三角洲不同区域小麦产量分布及肥料的产量差贡献率、产量反应、相对产量、农学效率和偏生产力等进行了统计分析。结果表明,黄河三角洲小麦田间平均产量为6.00 t·hm-2,变化范围较大 (2.69~8.65 t·hm-2),不同区域平均产量表现为第一扇面>第三扇面>第二扇面。肥料增产效果表现为磷肥>钾肥>氮肥。施肥导致的产量差为2.40~2.87 t·hm-2,其中氮肥对小麦产量差的贡献率最大。氮、磷、钾肥的相对产量分别为0.96、0.85、0.92。在基础地力条件下,土壤氮素对小麦产量贡献最大,其次为钾素,磷素贡献最小。氮、磷、钾肥的平均农学效率分别为4.94、12.13、15.33 kg·kg-1,氮、磷农学效率较高地区均为第一扇面,钾农学效率较高地区为第二扇面;氮、磷、钾肥平均偏生产力分别为36.12、60.95、82.92 kg·kg-1,均以第二扇面值最高。可见,黄河三角洲小麦肥料利用率有待提升,氮素为小麦产量的第一限制因子,应重视减施氮肥,不同区域土壤地力及肥效差异较大,施肥过程中需因地制宜配合土壤改良,才能起到更好的增产节肥功效。
      In order to explore the characteristics of wheat yield and fertilizer efficiency in the Yellow River Delta, the distribution of wheat yield and the contribution rate of fertilizer yield difference, yield response, relative yield, agronomic efficiency and partial productivity in different regions of the Yellow River Delta were statistically analyzed by retrieving the published relevant literature and using meta analysis. The results showed that the average yield of wheat was 6.00 t·hm-2 in the field experiment of the Yellow River Delta, with a wide variation range (2.69-8.65 t·hm-2). The average yield in different regions ranked as first sector>third sector>second sector, and the yield increasing effect of fertilizer ranked as phosphate fertilizer>potassium fertilizer>nitrogen fertilizer. The yield gap caused by fertilization was 2.40-2.87 t·hm-2, and the largest contribution to wheat yield gap is nitrogen fertilizer. The relative yields of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were 0.96, 0.85 and 0.92, respectively. Under the conditions of basic soil fertility, soil nitrogen contributed the most to wheat yield, followed by potassium and phosphorus. The average agronomic efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were 4.94, 12.13, and 15.33 kg·kg-1, respectively. The areas with high agronomic efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus were the first sector, and the areas with high potassium agronomic efficiency were the second sector. The partial productivity of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were 36.12, 60.95, and 82.92 kg·kg-1, respectively, which showed the highest value of the second sector. As a consequence, the fertilizer utilization rate of wheat in the Yellow River Delta needs to be improved. Nitrogen is the first limiting factor of wheat yield, indicating the reduced application of nitrogen fertilizer should be emphasized. There are great differences of soil fertility and fertilizer efficiency among different regions. In the process of fertilization, we need to adapt to local conditions and cooperate with soil improvement in order to achieve better effect of increasing yield and saving fertilizer.
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