
李晓丽,姜兰芳,马小飞,王 敏,曹 勇,郝建宇,张定一,姬虎太.基于主成分分析的强筋小麦加工品质综合评价[J].麦类作物学报,2022,(12):1473
Comprehensive Processing Quality Evaluation of Strong Gluten Wheat Based on Principal Component Analysis
中文关键词:  强筋小麦  加工品质  主成分分析  综合评价
英文关键词:Strong gluten wheat  Processing quality  Principal component analysis  Comprehensive evaluation
李晓丽,姜兰芳,马小飞,王 敏,曹 勇,郝建宇,张定一,姬虎太 (山西农业大学小麦研究所山西临汾 041000) 
摘要点击次数: 307
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      为有效评价不同强筋小麦品种加工品质的差异,以65个强筋小麦品种(系)为研究对象,对其籽粒、面粉及面团品质特性进行分析,在主成分分析基础上,利用综合得分对供试材料进行品质评价,并利用聚类分析法对其分类。结果表明,在20个品质评价指标中,容重的变异系数最小(1.36%),面团形成时间的变异系数最大(62.90%)。千粒重与稳定时间、拉伸面积等参数呈极显著负相关;湿面筋含量与籽粒蛋白含量、沉降值呈极显著正相关,与面筋指数呈极显著负相关;面筋指数与面团参数(弱化度除外)呈极显著正相关。通过主成分分析将20个性状综合成5个主成分因子,累计贡献率达到82.437%;其中,第1、2主成分的贡献率较高 (33.083%、25.111%),分别代表了面团及蛋白质因子。综合评价得分高的品种(系)有6个,为师栾02-1、新麦26、藁优5766、科兴3302、鲁研1403、陕农33,可作为品质改良的亲本材料加以利用。65个材料可分为5个类群,第Ⅰ、Ⅱ类群的籽粒品质较好;第Ⅲ类群的面团品质最佳;第Ⅳ类群的籽粒、面粉及面团的综合性状较好;第Ⅴ类群的籽粒蛋白与面筋含量最高。
      In order to explore the quality traits of wheat with strong gluten,65 cultivars(lines) were analyzed in this study. Twenty traits relative to grain quality,flour quality and dough quality were investigated,and principal component analysis,correlation analysis and cluster analysis were further performed. The results showed that the variation coefficient of dough development time was the highest(62.90%),and the test weight was the lowest(1.36%). Correlation analysis showed that the 1 000-grain weight was significantly negatively correlated with stability time and stretch area. The wet gluten content showed positively correlated with grain protein content and Zeleny sedimentation,but was negatively correlated with gluten index. The gluten index was significantly correlated with dough parameters,except weakening degree. The results of principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of five principal component factors was 82.437%. The contribution rate of the first and second principal components was 33.083% and 25.111%,representing dough and protein components,respectively. Further comprehensive evaluation showed that six varieties(lines) with high scores were Shiluan 02-1,Xinmai 26,Gaoyou 5766,Kexing 3302,Luyan 1403 and Shaannong 33,which can be used as the core breeding resources. The 65 germplasm resources were divided into five groups,among which the first and second groups had better grain quality; the third group had the highest dough quality; the fourth group had excellent overall traits,and the fifth group had the highest contents of protein and gluten.
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