
张海宇,陈 倬,张战胜,刘 素,康建宏,吴宏亮.花后高温胁迫下匀播春小麦旗叶的转录组分析[J].麦类作物学报,2022,(12):1464
Transcriptome Analysis of Flag Leaves of Spring Wheat under Post-Anthesis Heat Stress
中文关键词:  春小麦  播种方式  花后高温  转录组
英文关键词:Spring wheat  Sowing method  Post-anthesis high temperature  Transcriptome
张海宇,陈 倬,张战胜,刘 素,康建宏,吴宏亮 (1.宁夏大学农学院宁夏银川 750021 2.宁夏农业技术推广总站宁夏银川 750000) 
摘要点击次数: 259
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      为研究不同播种模式下花后高温胁迫对春小麦旗叶转录组的影响,以宁春50号为试验材料,采用人工模拟高温的方法,设条播和匀播两种播种方式,灌水施肥方式均为水肥一体化,对高温处理后的春小麦旗叶分别构建转录组测序文库,采用FPKM法计算基因的相对表达量,并对差异表达基因进行KEGG通路分析。结果表明,相较于常温处理,高温胁迫下条播和匀播滴灌处理分别有199和1 819个基因上调表达,55和 1 335个基因下调表达,说明高温胁迫下匀播滴灌处理对春小麦旗叶转录组的表达影响明显。KEGG通路富集分析结果显示,高温胁迫下与条播滴灌处理对比,匀播滴灌处理的春小麦光合作用-天线蛋白通路注释到的差异表达基因最多,有52个,其次为淀粉和蔗糖通路(注释到50个差异表达基因);而常温条件下与条播滴灌处理对比,匀播滴灌处理的春小麦淀粉和蔗糖代谢通路注释到的差异表达基因最多,有49个,其次为光合作用-天线蛋白通路(注释到41个差异表达基因)。因此,高温胁迫下匀播滴灌技术可以更好地改善植物的光合系统,有效缓解高温引起的小麦植株早衰。
      In order to study the effect of post-anthesis heat stress on flag leaf transcriptome of spring wheat under different sowing patterns, Ningchun 50 was used as the experimental material. The method of artificial simulation of high temperature was adopted, and two sowing methods were set up:strip sowing and uniform sowing with irrigation and fertilizer. Transcriptome sequencing library was constructed for spring wheat flag leaves under high temperature treatment; the relative gene expression was calculated by FPKM method; the differentially expressed genes were analyzed by KEGG pathway. The results showed that 199 and 1 819 genes were up-regulated and 55 and 1 335 genes were down-regulated under strip sowing and uniform sowing with drip irrigation under high temperature stress, respectively, compared with that under normal temperature, indicating that uniform sowing with drip irrigation under high temperature stress significantly affected the expression of transcriptome in spring wheat flag leaves. KEGG pathway enrichment analysis showed that in spring wheat of uniform sowing and drip irrigation treatment compared with drill sowing and drip irrigation treatment under high temperature stress, 52 differentially expressed genes were annotated in the photosynthesis-antenna protein pathway, followed by starch and sucrose pathway (annotated with 50 differentially expressed genes). In contrast, in spring wheat of uniform sowing and drip irrigation treatment compared with drill sowing and drip irrigation treatment under normal temperature, 49 differentially expressed genes were annotated in starch and sucrose metabolism pathway, followed by 41 differentially expressed genes in the photosynthesis-antenna protein pathway. These results indicated that the uniform sowing and drip irrigation technology improved the photosynthetic system of plants and effectively alleviate the premature aging of wheat plants caused by high temperature stress.
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