
Effect of Salt Stress on Oxidative Damage and Programmed Cell Death in Wheat Roots
中文关键词:  小麦  盐胁迫  氧化损伤  细胞程序性死亡
英文关键词:Wheat  Salt stress  Oxidative damage  Programmed cell death
李有芳,王石平,丁金金,李卫华 (石河子大学农学院/新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点实验室新疆石河子 832000) 
摘要点击次数: 650
全文下载次数: 954
      为探究小麦根系响应盐胁迫逆境的生理机制,以耐盐性不同的三个春小麦品种新春11号(高耐)、新春29号(中耐)和新春6号(盐敏感)为材料,分析300 mmol·L-1NaCl胁迫对耐盐性不同的小麦品种根系生长、活性氧含量、抗氧化酶活性及细胞程序性死亡的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,盐胁迫下三个品种根长显著下降,根系干、鲜重均呈下降趋势,新春11号和新春29号变化幅度较小,而新春6号变化幅度相对较大;根尖中超氧阴离子产生速率保持增长趋势,耐盐性强的品种上升速率慢于耐盐性弱的品种,过氧化氢含量先增后降,最后与对照基本相同。超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性均在盐胁迫初期快速上升,胁迫30 min后开始下降。SOD活性在耐盐性强的小麦品种中显著升高,而APX活性在耐盐性弱的品种中则显著升高。Evans Blue染色结果发现,随着盐胁迫时间的增加,死亡细胞数目逐渐增多。聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳显示,盐胁迫4 h后即可检测到DNA片段化的发生,表明NaCl胁迫对小麦造成氧化损伤,诱导小麦根尖发生细胞程序性死亡。
      In order to study the physiological mechanism of wheat root in response to salt stress,Xinchun 11(a salttolerant cultivar),Xinchun 29(a medium salt-tolerant cultivar) and Xinchun 6(a salt sensitive cultivar)were used as materials.Tested wheat cultivars were treated with 300 mmol·L-1NaCl to analyze the effect of salt stress on root growth,active oxygen content,antioxidant enzyme activity and programmed cell death.The results showed that under salt stress,the root length of the three wheat cultivars decreased significantly,and the dry weight and fresh weight of root showed a downward trend.Xinchun 11 and Xinchun 29 had smaller changes while Xinchun 6 had a relatively large change.The rate of superoxide anion production in root tips maintained an increasing trend,and the increase rate in Xinchun 11 and Xinchun 29 was slower than that in Xinchun 6.The hydrogen peroxide content first increased then decreased,which was finally basically the same as that of the control. The activities of SOD and APX increased rapidly in the early stage of salt stress and began to decrease after 30 min after salt stress.The SOD activity was significantly increased inthe salt tolerant cultivar,while the APX activity was significantly increased in the salt-sensitive cultivar.Evans Blue staining found that as the salt stress time prolonged,the number of dead cells increased. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that DNA fragmentation was detected after 4 h of salt stress. The above results suggested that NaCl stress caused oxidative damage to wheat and resulted in programmed cell death in wheat root tips.
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