
周 宜,李 晓,贺 利,王洋洋,刘北城,王永华,郭天财,冯 伟.基于冠层透射微分光谱的小麦植株含水量监测研究[J].麦类作物学报,2019,(9):1121
Monitoring Plant Water Content in Winter Wheat Based on Canopy Transmission Derivative Spectroscopy
中文关键词:  小麦  透射光谱  微分技术  植株含水量  监测模型
英文关键词:Wheat  Transmission spectrum  Derivative technique  Plant water content  Monitoring model
周 宜,李 晓,贺 利,王洋洋,刘北城,王永华,郭天财,冯 伟 (1.河南农业大学/国家小麦工程技术研究中心河南郑州 450046
2.河南农业大学生命科学学院河南郑州 450002) 
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      为实现基于可见光透射微分光谱的小麦植株含水量监测,通过三年田间试验,测定自拔节期以后小麦关键生育时期冠层透射光谱和植株含水量,确立了透射光谱微分参数与植株含水量间定量关系。结果表明,与小麦冠层原始透光率相比,一阶微分光谱能够很好地减轻生育时期的影响。将不同生育时期数据综合,不同波段的透射率与植株含水量相关性均较差,而微分光谱在439、735、823及950 nm处与植株含水量相关性较好(|r|>0.57),以735 nm处相关性最高。基于蓝光、黄光和红光波段筛选了21个光谱特征参数,其中红边振幅(Dr)、红蓝振幅归一化指数(Dr-Db)/(Dr+Db)、红边面积(SDr)、右峰面积(RSDR)、双峰面积比(RIDA)及双峰面积归一化指数(NDDA)6个光谱特征参数与植株含水量间相关性较好(r>0.70)。在以上优选的光谱参数中,红边双峰面积比值(RIDA)及归一化指数(NDDA)与植株含水量的回归关系表现最好,拟合精度r大于0.69,均方根误差RMSE低于4.87,模型具有很好的稳定性,可以实时精确估测小麦植株含水量。这表明利用冠层透射微分光谱可对小麦植株含水量进行精确监测,对指导作物精确灌溉管理具有较大的应用潜力。
      This investigation established the monitoring model of wheat plants water content based on the visible light transmission derivative parameters, which aimed to provide a technical reference for the rapid and non-destructive monitoring of crop water condition and the accurate management of field irrigation. In this study, three-year field experiments were conducted to determine the canopy transmission spectrum and plant water content at different growing stages of wheat, and the quantitative relationship between the first derivative of transmission spectrum and plant water content were established. The results showed that the first derivative parameters reduced the influence of the growth stage well compared with the original transmittance. Combining dataset from different growth stages, the correlation between transmittance and plant water content at all respective bands was worse,and the first derivative had a strong correlation with the plant water content at 439 nm, 735 nm, 823 nm and 950 nm(|r|>0.57), among which the correlation was strongest at 735 nm. Based on the characteristics and combinations of blue, yellow and red light bands, 21 spectral parameters were selected. Among them, red edge amplitude(Dr), red-blue amplitude normalization index(Dr-Db)/(Dr+Db), red edge area(SDr), right peak area(RSDR), double-peak area ratio(RIDA) and double-peak area normalization index(NDDA) have better correlation with plant water content(r>0.70). The regression analysis between the above optimized parameters and plant water content showed that RIDA and NDDA were the best. The fitting accuracy r was more than 0.69, and the root mean square error(RMSE) was lower than 4.87, which showed the models had good stability, can estimate the wheat plant water content. The results indicated that the canopy derivative transmission spectroscopy can be used to monitor the wheat plants water content, which has great application potential in guiding the management of crop precision irrigation.
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