
叶子飘,段世华,安 婷,康华靖.小麦光呼吸途径电子流分配的模型研究[J].麦类作物学报,2019,(4):446
Investigating Photosynthetic Electron Flow Allocation to Photorespiration Pathway in Wheat
中文关键词:  小麦  电子传递速率  光呼吸速率  光合CO2响应模型  光呼吸CO2响应模型
英文关键词:Wheat  Electron transport rate  Photorespiratory rate  CO2-response model of photosynthesis  CO2-response model of photorespiration
叶子飘,段世华,安 婷,康华靖 (1.井冈山大学数理学院江西吉安 343009
2.井冈山大学生命科学学院, 江西吉安 343009
3.温州市农业科学研究院, 浙江温州 325006) 
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      为探讨分配到植物光呼吸的光合电子流(Jo)对CO2浓度(Jo-Ca曲线)的响应规律,以小麦Z39-118为材料,分析了小麦叶片在2%和21% O2浓度下的光合速率(Ac)和电子传递速率(J)对CO2浓度的响应曲线。结果表明,光合作用对CO2浓度的响应新模型(模型I)可很好地拟合小麦的Ac对CO2浓度响应曲线;同样,基于模型I而构建的J对CO2的响应模型(模型II),也可很好地拟合小麦在21%和2% O2条件下的J对CO2响应曲线。利用模型II分别拟合基于传统公式(Jo=2[J-4(Ac+Rday)]/3)得到的Jo-Ca曲线(Rday为日呼吸速率)及基于光呼吸速率值而计算得到的Jo-Ca曲线,结果显示,两者拟合得到的分配到光呼吸的最大电子传递速率值(分别为86.93和84.17 μmol·m-2·s-1)与实测值(89.12 μmol·m-2·s-1) 均较为接近(P>0.05);但基于前者拟合所得到的饱和CO2浓度和CO2为0 μmol·mol-1时分配到光呼吸的电子传递速率,均与其对应的测量值之间均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。综合分析认为,传统用于计算参与光呼吸途径的光合电子流公式并不能准确地描述Jo对CO2浓度的响应趋势,本研究构建的新模型可准确地定量研究光呼吸及其电子流分配等问题。
      Photosynthetic electron flow allocation plays a key role in regulation of the photosynthetic metabolic process. To investigate the CO2-response of photosynthetic electron flows of partitioning photorespiration pathway(Jo-Ca curves), CO2-response curves of electron transport rate and of photosynthesis for wheat(Triticum aestivum L. cv. Z39-118)(under 2% and 21% O2) were simultaneously measured by Li-6400-40. Results showed that the new CO2-response of photosynthesis(termed as model I) fits the CO2-response curve of photosynthesis of wheat well. Similarly, the CO2-response curves of electron transport rate based on model I(termed as model II) can also fit the CO2-response of photosynthetic electron transport rate of wheat under 21% and 2% O2(J-Ca curves) well. The model II was used to fit the Jo-Ca curves based on the traditional formula and the Jo-Ca curves were calculated based on the measured values of the photorespiration rate, respectively. Results indicated that the maximum electron transport rate allocated to photorespiration was 86.93 and 84.17 μmol·m-2·s-1, respectively, which was close to the measured value(89.12 μmol·m-2·s-1)(P>0.05). However, there were significant differences between the saturating CO2 concentration corresponding the maximum electron transport rate allocated to photorespiration at 0 mol·mol-1 CO2 and the measured values(P<0.05). Our results demonstrated that the traditional formula for calculating the photosynthetic electron flow of the photorespiration pathway can not accurately characterize the trend of Jo-Ca curves, while the model II can accurately investigate the photorespiration and the photosynthetic electron flow allocation to photorespiratory pathway.
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