
王 婧,李小平,刘 柳,马 蓁,王晓龙,胡新中.燕麦等五种谷物的氨基酸含量综合评价[J].麦类作物学报,2019,(4):438
Principal Component Analysis and Comprehensive Evaluation of Amino Acids of Oat and Other Four Crops
中文关键词:  谷物  燕麦  氨基酸  主成分分析  综合评价
英文关键词:Cereal  Oats  Amino acids  Principal component analysis  Comprehensive evaluation
王 婧,李小平,刘 柳,马 蓁,王晓龙,胡新中 (陕西师范大学食品工程与营养科学学院陕西西安 710119) 
摘要点击次数: 840
全文下载次数: 676
      为了解不同谷物氨基酸的综合质量,测定了燕麦、荞麦、小麦、大麦和水稻等5种谷物的蛋白质和氨基酸含量,并采用主成分分析、聚类分析法进行谷物氨基酸含量综合评价。结果表明,五种谷物中均含有16种氨基酸,总氨基酸含量平均为148.14 g·kg-1,其中燕麦总氨基酸平均含量最高,为249.93 g·kg-1;燕麦中支链氨基酸平均含量达到 31.23 g·kg-1,显著高于五种谷物支链氨基酸平均含量(21.84 g·kg-1)。通过主成分分析,供试材料氨基酸的综合评分表现为燕麦>小麦>荞麦>大麦>水稻。经聚类分析,燕麦的氨基酸含量与其他谷物显著不同。综合来看,燕麦在蛋白质、赖氨酸、支链氨基酸、必需氨基酸、总氨基酸含量和氨基酸六个方面均优于其他4种谷物。
      To provide theoretical basis for development of oats and the related products and references for consumer choice, the differences in content and categories of amino acids between oats and other four crops(buckwheat, wheat, barley and rice) were compared in this paper, and comprehensive quality of different grains were evaluated. The content of protein and amino acids were analyzed . Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were applied to obtain the principal component based on amino acid content and to evaluate these grains in combination with protein content. The results showed that sixteen types of amino acids were found in all of the five crops(oats, buckwheat, wheat, barley and rice).Total amino acid content was 148.14 g·kg-1 on average. Oat had the highest total amino acid content, which was 249.93 g·kg-1. The contents of branched-chain amino acids in oat were 31.23 g·kg-1 which were significantly higher than that of the other four crops(21.84 g·kg-1). Principal component analysis obtained three principal components. The calculated comprehensive evaluation revealed that oat had the first ranking,followed by wheat, buckwheat, barley, and rice. Cluster analysis based on the difference of amino acid content separated oat from the other four crops, in the first category. Overall oats had more advanced quality than the other four crops in six aspects, including the content of protein, lysine, branched chain amino acids, essential amino acid, total amino acid and amino acid composite scores.
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