
张 晓,高德荣,李 曼,刘大同,吴素兰,江 伟,吕国锋.小麦面粉和鲜面片色泽及 Psy-A1 Ppo-A1 等位变异检测[J].麦类作物学报,2019,(4):415
小麦面粉和鲜面片色泽及 Psy-A1 Ppo-A1 等位变异检测
Color of Flour and Fresh Dough Sheet of Wheat Varieties and Detection of Allelic Variations for Genes Psy-A1 and Ppo-A1
中文关键词:  小麦  面粉  鲜面片  色泽  等位基因
英文关键词:Wheat  Flour  Fresh dough sheet  Color  Alleles
基金项目:江苏省重点研发计划(现代农业)项目(BE2017340); 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0100802);国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-3-1-1)
张 晓,高德荣,李 曼,刘大同,吴素兰,江 伟,吕国锋 (江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所/农业部长江中下游小麦生物学与遗传育种重点实验室江苏扬州 225007) 
摘要点击次数: 991
全文下载次数: 679
      为研究小麦面粉和鲜面片色泽及其与两个色泽相关基因等位变异之间的关系,以我国主要麦区17个大面积推广品种及1个优异品系为材料,进行面粉和鲜面片色泽分析和 Psy-A1 Ppo-A1 基因等位变异检测。结果表明,扬麦18、泛麦5号、扬麦9号、平安7号、扬麦20面粉和鲜面片色泽均比较好,亮度高,黄度低,携有优异等位变异;川麦42是优异的低黄度种质资源,但亮度需提升。面粉和鲜面片的L*值间、a*值间、b*值间均呈极显著正相关,L*值与a*、b*值均呈极显著负相关,a*值和b*值无显著相关性。 Psy-A1 主要引起鲜面片a*值和b*值显著变化;对a*值的效应表现为 Psy-A1b > Psy-A1a ;对b*值的效应表现为 Psy-A1b < Psy-A1a Ppo-A1 对面粉及鲜面片的b*值、鲜面片放置2 h和4 h的L*值有显著影响;对b*值的效应表现为 Ppo-A1b < Ppo-A1a ;对L*值的效应表现为 Ppo-A1b > Ppo-A1a 。4个等位变异组合仅对鲜面片黄度b*值有极显著影响, Ppo-A1a/ Psy-A1a 基因型最高,其他三种基因型差异不显著。因此,改良小麦面粉和面制品色泽应注意淘汰 Ppo-A1a / Psy-A1a 基因型,高世代需加强面制品色泽的筛选鉴定。
      In order to clarify flour and fresh dough sheet color of wheat varieties and its relationship with allelic variation of two important color-related genes,17 wheat varieties with large planting area from main wheat production regions and an excellent wheat line were used for this study, and detection of allelic variations for gene Psy-A1 and Ppo-A1 were carried out. The results showed that, color of flour and fresh dough sheet of Yangmai 18, Fanmai 5, Yangmai 9, Pingan 7 and Yangmai 20 showed better performance with higher brightness and lower yellowness with Psy-A1b and Ppo-A1b. Chuanmai 42 is an excellent low yellowness germplasm resource, but the brightness needs to be improved. There was highly significant positive correlation between L* value, a* value and b* value of flour and fresh dough sheet. L* value was significantly negative correlated with a* value and b* value, and there was no significant correlation between a* value and b* value. The Psy-A1 locus mainly caused significant changes in a* value and b* value of fresh dough sheet. For a* value, the effect ranged as Psy-A1b> Psy-A1a, but for b* value, the effect was in the other way. The Ppo-A1 locus mainly caused significant changes in b* value of flour and fresh dough sheet, and L* value of fresh dough sheet at 2 and 4 hours. For b* value, the effect ranged as Ppo-A1b< Ppo-A1a, but for L* value, the effect ranged as Ppo-A1b> Ppo-A1a. A total of four allelic combinations only had a significant effect on b* value of fresh dough sheet. The combination Ppo-A1a/Psy-A1a had the highest b* value, but there was no significant differences among other combinations. Our results indicate that Ppo-A1a/ Psy-A1a should be eliminated in color improvement of flour and fresh dough sheet. The screening and identification of the flour products color should be strengthened in higher generations.
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