
宋国琦,李 玮,张淑娟,陈明丽,高 洁,李玉莲,张荣志,韩小东,李根英.干旱和复水条件下小麦叶片 TaNCED1表达与ABA积累的关系[J].麦类作物学报,2019,(4):400
干旱和复水条件下小麦叶片 TaNCED1表达与ABA积累的关系
Analysis of the Relationship between TaNCED1 Gene Expression and ABA Accumulation in Wheat under Drought and Rehydration
中文关键词:  小麦  TaNCED1  ABA  干旱
英文关键词:Wheat  TaNCED1  ABA  Drought
基金项目:山东省科技发展计划项目(2014GSF121001);山东省重点研发计划项目(2017GNC10113和2018GNC110033);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31601301 和31701428);中央引导地方科技发展专项资金项目(2016-2019);“十三五”国家重点研发项目(2016YFD0100500);山东省农业科学院人才启动项目(2014-2019);山东省农业科学院农业科技创新工程项目(CXGC2016A11);国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项(2018ZX08009-10B)
宋国琦,李 玮,张淑娟,陈明丽,高 洁,李玉莲,张荣志,韩小东,李根英 (山东省农业科学院作物研究所农业部黄淮北部小麦生物学与遗传育种重点实验室/小麦玉米国家工程实验室,山东济南 250100) 
摘要点击次数: 981
全文下载次数: 692
      NCED基因是ABA生物合成过程中的关键限速酶。为给小麦耐旱性研究及耐旱新品种选育提供理论依据,本研究以8个抗旱性不同的小麦品种为材料,研究干旱胁迫和复水过程中小麦叶片 TaNCED1表达水平和ABA含量对水分变化的响应。结果表明,在干旱胁迫过程中, TaNCED1的表达水平和ABA的积累呈现先增后降的变化趋势,品种间 TaNCED1的表达水平存在明显差异。济麦22、郑麦366等5个品种 TaNCED1的表达水平呈现明显的单峰曲线,而鲁麦21、临旱2号等3个品种呈现明显的双峰曲线,而且不同材料间 TaNCED1表达量达到最高值的时间也存在差异。在复水过程中,除临旱2号外,其余7个小麦材料的 TaNCED1表达均表现为先快速下降,之后缓慢上升的“V”字形变化趋势。整个水分胁迫和复水处理过程中,ABA含量的变化较为平缓,除临旱2号外, TaNCED1的相对表达量与ABA相对含量之间均都符合y=aln(x)+b的对数关系,且品种之间 TaNCED1对ABA的影响程度存在较明显的差异。分析认为,可以将 TaNCED1作为重要的水分胁迫响应基因应用于小麦抗旱育种和抗旱理论研究。
      NCED gene is a key rate-limiting enzyme in ABA biosynthesis process, which has been widely concerned in the research of plant drought resistance. In the present study, eight wheat cultivars with different drought resistance:Jimai 22, Zhengmai 366, Weimai 8, Shi 4185, Qingmai 6, Linhan 2, Lumai 21 and Heshang-tou, were used to study the dynamic changes of TaNCED1 expression and ABA accumulation during drought stress and re-watering process. The results showed that during drought stress, the expression level of TaNCED1 and ABA content increased at first and then decreased. There are significant differences in TaNCED1 expression dynamic among wheat varieties. Five varieties:Jimai 22, Zhengmai 366, Weimai 8, Shi 4185 and Qingmai 6, have obviously single peak curve in TaNCED1 expression levels, while TaNCED1 expression of the other 3 varieties showed two peaks. During the re-watering process, the TaNCED1 expression of the other seven wheat materials, except for Linhan 2, showed a rapid decline first, and then a slowly rising 'V' shape trend. Relative to TaNCED1 changing, the variation of ABA content is relatively gentle in the period of both drought and re-watering process. The quantitative relationship between TaNCED1 expression and ABA is logarithmic correlation for the test materials except for Linhan 2, with the equation y=aln(x)+b. In this equation, the coefficient 'a' indicates the influence degree of TaNCED1 on ABA content. This suggests that TaNCED1 can be used as an important water stress response gene in wheat drought resistance breeding and drought resistance theory research.
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