
郭 军,李家前,李豪圣,王灿国,刘爱峰,程敦公,曹新有,刘建军,赵振东,宋健民.高大山羊草 Pm13染色体片段对小麦农艺和产量性状的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2019,(4):387
高大山羊草 Pm13染色体片段对小麦农艺和产量性状的影响
Effect of Aegilops longissima Chromatin Carrying Pm13on Wheat Agronomic and Yield-Related Traits
中文关键词:  小麦  高大山羊草   Pm13染色体片段  白粉病  农艺和产量性状
英文关键词:Triticum aestivum  Aegilops longissima  Chromatin carrying Pm13  Powdery mildew  Agronomic and yield-related traits
郭 军,李家前,李豪圣,王灿国,刘爱峰,程敦公,曹新有,刘建军,赵振东,宋健民 (1.山东省农业科学院作物研究所/小麦玉米国家工程实验室&农业部黄淮北部小麦生物学与遗传育种重点实验室山东济南 2501002.鲁东大学山东烟台 264025) 
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      含有高大山羊草 Pm13染色体片段的小麦种质R1B对白粉病菌表现高抗。为明确 Pm13对白粉病的抗性遗传特点及高大山羊草染色体片段对小麦农艺和产量性状的影响,利用R1B与高感小麦品种济麦22杂交获得的F2:5RIL群体进行自然诱发鉴定和分子标记分析。结果表明,发病后,RIL群体的抗、感病株系符合1∶1分离比(χ = 3.261, χ(1)0.05=3.841),说明白粉病抗性是由一对基因控制。经分子标记分析,RIL群体白粉病抗性由 Pm13控制,且符合孟德尔单基因遗传规律。RIL群体中抗白粉病组和感白粉病组间,抽穗期、开花期、株高、穗长、每穗可育小穗数、每穗不育小穗数、穗粒数、千粒重、粒长、粒宽、粒周长、长宽比等12个性状均无显著差异(P>0.05),说明高大山羊草染色体片段对这些性状没有明显不利影响。鉴于 Pm13抗性遗传稳定,应加大其利用力度,培育更多含有该基因的抗白粉病品种,发挥其在生产上的应用价值。
      Wheat line R1B with Ae.longissima chromatin harboring Pm13 was highly resistant to powdery mildew. In order to understand the genetic characteristics and effect of Ae.longissima chromatin on wheat agronomic and yield-related traits,a RIL population including 69 F2:5 lines was developed by crossing R1B with Jimai 22 susceptible to powdery mildew. The results showed that the ratio of lines resistant to powdery mildew to lines susceptible to powdery mildew was fit to 1∶1(χ = 3.261 < χ(1)0.05=3.841),suggesting that the powdery mildew resistance in this RIL was controlled only by one gene Pm13. It was further confirmed by the molecular marker Xutv14 closely linked to Pm13. Based on the results of evaluation of powdery mildew resistance in the RIL population,the 69 lines were classified into two groups:group R resistant to powdery mildew and group S susceptible to powdery mildew. The results indicated that all the twelve traits investigated in this study were not significantly different(P>0.05) between group R and group S by t-test,which suggested that the Ae.longissima chromatin carrying Pm13 had no obviously negative effect on these traits,including days to heading,days to flowering,plant height,spike length,number of fertile spikelets per spike,number of sterile spikelets per spike,thousand kernel weight,kernel length,kernel width,kernel perimeter and the ratio of kernel length to kernel wideth. Given that Pm13 was highly and stably resistant to powdery mildew,it should be introgressed into elite wheat cultivars and utilized in wheat production as soon as possible.
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