
熊淑萍,孟香苹,王小纯,马新明,张 捷,魏钦钦,刘 洋.小麦玉米一体化群体配置对小麦冠层结构和产量影响[J].麦类作物学报,2018,(8):970
Effects of Wheat and Maize Integrated Population Patterns on the Canopy Structure and Yield of Wheat
中文关键词:  小麦-玉米  行距  播量  冠层结构  光合特性
英文关键词:Winter-wheat/summer maize  Row spacing  Sowing rates  Population structure  Photosynthetic characteristics
熊淑萍,孟香苹,王小纯,马新明,张 捷,魏钦钦,刘 洋 (1.河南粮食作物协同创新中心河南郑州 4500462.河南农业大学农学院河南郑州 4500463.河南农业大学生命科学学院河南郑州 450002) 
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      为探索冬小麦-夏玉米一体化种植中小麦的适宜群体配置模式,设置20 cm-20 cm(R1)、12 cm-12 cm-12 cm-24 cm(R2)及13 cm-20 cm(R3)三种行距处理方式和120 kg·hm-2(S1)、157.5 kg·hm-2(S2)及195 kg·hm-2(S3)三种播量,研究了行距和播量对小麦冠层结构特征和光合特性及产量的影响。结果表明,不同处理对各指标的影响因小麦生育时期的变化而不同。在孕穗至开花期, R1S1处理的小麦叶片SPAD值、净光合速率(Pn)及气孔导度(Gs)高于其他处理,开花期后R2S2处理表现出明显的光合优势。其中,R2S2处理的小麦LAI、叶倾角(MTA)在开花期后高于其他处理,在花后10 d之后其SPAD、Pn值最高。在不同处理中,R2S2处理产量最高,这主要归因于其有较高的穗数和千粒重。因此,在本试验条件下小麦高产的最佳群体配置是行距12 cm-12 cm-12 cm-24 cm和播量157.5 kg·hm-2
      To explore the optimal population pattern of wheat in winter-wheat and summer-maize integrated planting system, three row spacing 20 cm-20 cm(R1),12 cm-12 cm- 12 cm-24 cm(R2) and 13 cm-20 cm(R3) and matched three sowing rates 120 kg·hm-2(S1), 157.5 kg·hm-2(S2) and 195 kg·hm-2(S3) were conducted. The canopy structure and photosynthetic characteristics of these patterns in wheat were analysed. The results showed that the effect of different treatments on each index varied with the growth period of wheat. From booting to flowering stage, the SPAD, photosynthesis rate(Pn) and stomata conductance(Gs) in wheat leaf of R1S1 were higher than those of other treatments. After flowering, R2S2 showed an advantage. Among them, the leaf area index(LAI) and leaf inclination angle(MTA) after anthesis and the SPAD value and Pn started 20 days after flowering of R2S2 were significantly higher than those of other treatments. The spike number was the most in R2S3, and the grains per spike were the most in R1S1 and the 1 000-grain weight and yield were the highest in R2S2. Integrated analysis implied that the population patterns of the sowing rates of 157.5 kg·hm-2 at 12 cm-12 cm- 12 cm-24 cm row spacing helps wheat to get high yield in the wheat-maize integrated planting system under this experimental conditions.
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