
胡卫国,张玉娥,曹廷杰,王西成,曹颖妮,李会群,赵 虹.改良倒伏指数法鉴定小麦品种抗倒性初步研究[J].麦类作物学报,2018,(8):906
Preliminary Study on the Improved Lodging Index Method for Identifying the Resistance of Wheat Varieties
中文关键词:  小麦品种  区域试验  茎秆  倒伏指数  相关性
英文关键词:Wheat  Regional test  Stalk  Lodging index  Correlation analysis
基金项目:河南省农业科学院科研发展专项[YNK20177501,豫财贸(2015)131-01];河南省现代农业(小麦)产业技术体系项目(S2015-01-G03);国家科技支撑计划项目 (2015BAD26B01)
胡卫国,张玉娥,曹廷杰,王西成,曹颖妮,李会群,赵 虹 (1.河南省农业科学院小麦研究所河南郑州 4500022.河南省小麦生物学重点实验室河南郑州 4500023.农业部黄淮中部小麦生物学与遗传育种重点实验室河南郑州 4500024.国家小麦工程实验室河南郑州 4500025.河南省农业科学院农业质量标准与检测技术研究所河南郑州 4500026.濮阳市种子管理站河南濮阳 457099) 
摘要点击次数: 1373
全文下载次数: 685
      Lodging is a very important trait for maintaining a high potential grain yield in bread wheat breeding, which is complicated with stem traits, plant height, environment, management and so on.How to find a simple, convenient and accurate method to predict lodging happening is the key aim for geneticists, breeders and physiologists.The study was conducted to provide a convenient and quick appraisal method for lodging resistance of wheat.The stalk characters of 47 winter wheat varieties (lines), sampled from wheat region test in Henan province were detected.A new method of lodging index was verified with more pilot regional tests.Results showed that the basal stem flexibility of most varieties were declined from the middle or later grain-filling stage to dough stage, but 22.3% of the total varieties were ascended.The lodging index of 72.3% of the total varieties was declined from the same stage, indicating that the lodging resistance of most wheat varieties at the dough stage were better compared with that at the middle or later grain-filling stage.Results of correlation analysis showed that center of gravity height, fresh weight of above ground, basal stem flexibility and stem node traits including length, dry weight and plumpness, were associated with lodging resistance, especially for basal stem flexibility.The correlations between basal stem flexibility and lodging resistance were significant.
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