
韩金玲,杨 晴,周印富,王文颇.冀东地区种植密度对小麦京冬8号抗倒伏能力和产量的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2015,35(5):667
Effect of Planting Density on Lodging-Resistance and Grain Yield of Winter Wheat in the East of Hebei Province
中文关键词:  冀东地区  冬小麦  种植密度  抗倒伏能力  产量
英文关键词:East of Hebei province  Planting density  Winter wheat  Lodging-resistance  Grain yield
韩金玲,杨 晴,周印富,王文颇 (河北科技师范学院 生命科技学院河北昌黎 066600) 
摘要点击次数: 1543
全文下载次数: 1308
      To understand to the effects of planting density on lodging-resistance and grain yield of winter wheat in the east of Hebei province,the experiment was conducted with four planting densities ( including 375×104,525×104,675×104,825×104plants per hectare) at the experimental station of life & science of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology from 2011 to 2013,with the local winter wheat cultivar Jingdong 8 as material. The relevant indicators of stem quality,lodging resistance index,grain yield were investigated. The results showed that with the increase of planting density,the length of the first basal internode,ratio of basal internode to whole stem,plant height and gravity center height increased,and the diameter of basal internodes and mechanial strength of stem and lodging resistance index reduced.The stem quality was reduced significantly,and the lodging appeared under the planting density of 675×104plants per hectare. With the increase of planting density,lodging occurred earlier and more serious. The higher planting density led the more PDW in early period. However,with a lot of tillers died,and stem taperred off in the treatments of large planting density along with wheat growth,which made the productivity of dry matter reduced. Therefore,the largest dry mass accumulation amount after anthesis and dry matter transfer amount appeared in the treatment of 525 ×104plants per hectare at maturity stage. The most effective head number and the lightest weight per 1 000 grains appeared simultaneously in the treatment of 675×104plants per hectare,and the effective head number and grain number per head were significantly less in the treatment of 825×104plants per hectare. Therefore,the grain yield was significantly low in the above two treatments. The highest grain yield appeared in the treatment of 525×104plants per hectare,compared with the above two treatments.However,there was no significant difference between the two treatments of lower planting densities. According to the results,in the east of Hebei province,it was suggested that the optimal planting density was 375×104~525×104plants per hectare under suitable sowing time.
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