
邱玉亮,杨明明,董 剑,赵万春,陈其皎,高 翔,石引刚,陈良国.高效毛细管电泳(HPCE)对优质小麦HMW-GS的分离鉴定[J].麦类作物学报,2015,35(5):638
Separation and Identification of HMW-GS in High Quality Wheat by HPCE
中文关键词:  优质小麦  高分子量谷蛋白亚基  毛细管电泳  分离鉴定
英文关键词:High quality wheat  HMW-GS  HPCE  Separation and identification
邱玉亮,杨明明,董 剑,赵万春,陈其皎,高 翔,石引刚,陈良国 (1.西北农林科技大学农学院陕西杨凌 712100 2.陕西省小麦工程技术研究中心/陕西省小麦新品种培育研究中心陕西杨凌 712100) 
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      Wheat high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) are important factors to determine the quality of wheat,mainly to dough elasticity. In order to study the influence of the composition and content of HMW-GS on wheat quality of high quality wheat,SDS-PAGE and high-performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) analysis were used to identify and quantify the subunits of HMW. Comparison on the results of SDS-PAGE and HPCE found that the subunit of HMW-GS appeared in different order,in HPCE electrophoresis,the subunit of 1Ax1 appeared earlier than 1Bx7,along with one major and three minor isoforms were observed for the individual HMW-GS. Quantitative analysis showed that single subunit,subunit combination or sum of high quality wheat variety Shaan 627 were all higher significantly than other wheat varieties. The subunit 1Ax1 of high quality wheat variety Shaan 715 was close to Shaan 627,while the other subunits or subunit combinations were significantly lower than that of Shaan 627. As Xinong 5211 did not contain subunit 1Ax1,although other subunits or subunit combination content were close to Shaan 627,its content of subunit sum was significantly lower than that of Shaan 627. All together,subunit 1Ax1 has an important effect on the quality of wheat. The results of SDS-PAGE and HPCE analysis were similar,but the HPCE analysis is more efficient,sensitive and reproducable,and more quickly to identify and quantify the HMW-GS of wheat.HPCE can be used to discriminate,fingerprint,or monitor the purity of wheat cultivars,and to monitor protein synthesis during kernel development.
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