
朱靖环,刘猛道 ,华 为,尚 毅,汪军妹,贾巧君,赵加涛 ,杨建明.139份大麦种质材料苗期和成株期抗白粉病鉴定评价[J].麦类作物学报,2015,35(5):614
Identification of Resistance to Powdery Mildew of 139 Barley Varieties (lines) at Adult and Seedling Stages
中文关键词:  大麦  白粉病  苗期抗性  成株期抗性  抗源筛选
英文关键词:Barley  Powdery mildew  Resistance at seeding stage  Resistance at adult stage  Screening of resistance resource
朱靖环,刘猛道 ,华 为,尚 毅,汪军妹,贾巧君,赵加涛 ,杨建明 (1. 浙江省农业科学院作物与核技术利用研究所,浙江杭州 310021
2.云南省保山市农业科学研究所,云南保山 678000) 
摘要点击次数: 1874
全文下载次数: 1040
      Barley powdery mildew caused by Blumeria graminis. f.sp. hordei is one of the most destructive foliar diseases of barley in China.The disease can reduce barley grain yield by 20% to 30%. Breeding for genetic resistance is an economically and environmentally sustainable way to control powdery mildew. Adult plant resistance is expressed at later stages of plant growth and is durable,and is used for breeding barley cultivars with durability against powdery mildew. Screening of resistance barley germplasm to powdery mildew is prerequisite for an efficient use of available resistance genes. In the study,the resistance at seedling stage to powdery mildew in 139 barley varieties (lines) were identified by inoculating 7 isolates of predominant B. graminis. f.sp. hordei physiological races onto them in a climate room,and the resistance at adult stage to powdery mildew in them were identified by natural field inoculation in Baoshan in a successive two years of 2009-2011.The results indicated that 48 different infection response spectrums were found when 7 isolates of dominant races were inoculated onto 139 barley varieties (lines) at seedling stage,13 of 139 barley ones were resistant to all isolates tested and 22 of them were resistant to 4 to 6 of the used dominant race isolates. 25 of all the barley varieties (lines) determined were resistant at adult stage,the ones susceptible at seedling stage in them were possibly resistant at adult stage,and vice versa,but more resistant ones were detected in those ones which were resistant to most of all the dominant races at seeding stage,and 5 barley varieties (lines) resistant to all the dominant races at seedling stage were resistant to the disease at adult stage.Large variation coefficients were found among their plant height,spike lengths,spike grain number and kilo-grain weightiness.Of 25 barley varieties (lines) resistant at adult stage,18 were two-rowed and 7 were poly-rowed and hulless. The variation coefficients of plant height,spike length,spike grain number and kilo-grain weightiness in the two-rowed and hull barley population were 10.3%,15.0%,12.0% and 20.6%,respectively,and those in poly-rowed and hulless barley population were 18.3%,26.4%,19.5% and 22.8%,respectively.
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