
赵护兵,王朝辉,高亚军,王 辉.渭北旱塬农户冬小麦养分资源投入调查与分析[J].麦类作物学报,2013,33(1):146
Survey Analysis on Nutrients Resource Inputting in Winter Wheat in Weibei Dryland Area
中文关键词:  冬小麦  产量  N  P2O5  K2O
英文关键词:Winter wheat  Yield  N  P2O5  K2O
赵护兵,王朝辉,高亚军,王 辉 (1.西北农林科技大学资源环境学院陕西杨凌 712100
2. 陕西省咸阳市土壤肥料工作站陕西咸阳 721000) 
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      为了解目前我国化肥用量的现状和农民养分资源投入中存在的问题,在渭北旱塬冬小麦种植区域选取3个区/县进行了冬小麦养分资源投入的调查分析。结果表明,2009年小麦产量适中的农户占10.0%,偏低的农户占7.5%,很低的农户占79.2%,偏高的农户占3.3%,很高的农户占0.0%。冬小麦纯N平均用量为191.5 kg·hm-2,P2O5平均用量为121.2 kg·hm-2,K2O平均用量为74.4 kg·hm-2。氮肥投入量适中的农户占30.0%,偏低的占5.0%,很低的占4.2%,偏高的占22.5%,很高的占38.3%。磷肥投入量适中的农户占14.2%,偏低的占41.7%,很低的占15.0%,偏高的占15.8%,很高的占13.3%。钾肥投入量适中的农户占2.5%,偏低的占2.5%,很低的占78.3%,偏高的占5.0%,很高的占11.7%。养分资源投入以无机为主,有机为辅;投入形式以基施为主。
      According to the status of chemical fertilizer applying amount as well as the nutrients resource input problems by Chinese farmer, survey and analysis on the winter wheat nutrients resource inputting were carried out in 3 districts or counties in Weibei dryland area, Shaanxi province on 2009. The obtained results showed that 10.0% of the farmers obtained suitable winter wheat yield, 7.5% obtained low yield, 79.2% obtained the lowest yield , 3.3% obtained high yield and, no one obtained the highest yield. The applying amount of pure N for winter wheat in average was 191.5 kg·hm-2, that of P2O5 was 121.2 kg·hm-2, and that of K2O was 74.4 kg·hm-2. 30.0% of farmers applied suitable amount of N, 5.0% applied low amount of N, 4.2% applied the lowest amount of N, 22.5% applied high amount of N, 38.3% applied the highest amount of N. For P2O5, 14.2% of farmers applied suitable amount, 41.7% applied low amount, 15.0% applied the lowest amount, 15.8% applied high amount, 13.3% applied the highest. For K2O, 2.5% of farmers applied suitable amount, 2.5% applied low amount, 78.3% applied the lowest amount, 5.0% applied high amount, 11.7% applied the highest amount. Chemical fertilizer was the main nutrients resource of farmers used for winter wheat, organic manure was the supplementary. Most of fertilizers were used as base manure.
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