
李罗江,茹振刚2,高庆荣1,姜 辉1,郭凤芝1,孙 哲1,3,吴世文1.小麦雄性不育系BNS及其杂种F1的育性分析[J].麦类作物学报,2009,29(4):583
Analysis on the Fertility of Wheat Male sterile Line BNS and Its F1 Hybrids
中文关键词:  小麦  雄性不育系  杂种F1  育性
英文关键词:Wheat  Male sterile line BNS  F1 hybrid  Fertility
基金项目:国家863课题(2009AA101102);小麦现代农业产业体系项目(nycytx 03);山东省“高产优质抗逆超级小麦新品种培育”项目([2006]6号)。
李罗江,茹振刚2,高庆荣1,姜 辉1,郭凤芝1,孙 哲1,3,吴世文1 1. 山东农业大学农学院/作物生物学国家重点实验室山东泰安 271018
2. 河南科技学院小麦中心河南新乡 453003
3. 泰安农业科学研究院山东泰安 271000 
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全文下载次数: 2416
      In order to study the fertility of wheat male sterile line BNS and its F1 hybrid, the method of interval sowing and normal autumn sowing were employed in this experiment to analyze self seedset rate of BNS and its F1 hybrids, respectively. Result showed that BNS was a kind of male sterile line with high sterility sowing in normal autumn and earlier dates, and the self seedset rates by national and international methods ranged from 0.23% to 1.77% and 0.27% to 4.06%, respectively. BNS exhibited fertility in the later sowing dates, and the critical sowing date was 17th October. The fertility of BNS was stable in different years. The self seedset rates by national and international methods of artificial saturation pollination ranged from 79.94% to 85.26 % and 93.58% to 100.20%, respectively, which indicated that its pistil was normal and easy to accept pollens from others. The pollen of BNS was spherical abortion type after iodine staining, and its F1 hybrids had three types: typical abortion type, stained abortion type, and normal type. The fertility could be restored. In 32 combinations of F1 hybrids, self seedset rates of three F1 hybrids were below 5% and their pollen sterility rates were up to 96%, the others were from 6.28% to 156.57%, and fertility restoring degree of SN055525 was the best with its F1 hybrid self seedset rate of 95.85% (national method) and 156.57% (international method) and pollen sterility rate of 2.02%. Above all, BNS was a kind of ecological male sterile line with characteristics of high sterility in normal autumn sowings and fertility in later sowings, and its fertility was easy to be restored by normal varieties. So BNS had application potential on heterosis utilization of wheat.
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