
梁 鹏,郭德胜,刘德峻,王树深,殷明啸,朱 敏,李春燕,朱新开,丁锦峰,郭文善.拔节期渍水后施用尿素对小麦产量和光合物质生产的影响[J].麦类作物学报,2020,(2):202
Effects of Urea Application after Waterlogging at Stem Elongation Stage on Grain Yield and Photosynthetic Production in Wheat
中文关键词:  小麦  渍水  降损措施  产量  光合物质生产
英文关键词:Wheat  Waterlogging  Reducting-loss measures  Grain yield  Photosynthetic production
梁 鹏,郭德胜,刘德峻,王树深,殷明啸,朱 敏,李春燕,朱新开,丁锦峰,郭文善 (扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理国家重点实验室培育点/粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心/扬州大学小麦研究中心,江苏扬州 225009) 
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全文下载次数: 961
      为给小麦渍害发生后降损措施的制定提供参考,以扬麦23为供试材料,在拔节期进行连续10 d渍水,研究渍水结束当天叶面喷施尿素(WAP1)、渍水结束当天和7 d后叶面喷施尿素(WAP2)、土壤落干后撒施低量和高量尿素(WAS1和WAS2)对小麦植株光合特性、干物质积累和产量及其构成因素的影响。结果表明,渍水后小麦籽粒产量和氮肥偏生产力均下降11%。渍水后施用尿素可恢复籽粒产量6%~24%,增加氮肥偏生产力3%~17%。产量恢复效果不因尿素施用方式而变化,WAP2和WAS2处理优于WAP1和WAS1处理。渍水后施用尿素增加了小穗结实率、每小穗粒数和穗粒数,提高了叶绿素含量,保持了植株花后高光合面积和净光合速率,促进了光合物质的生产。相比WAP1和WAS1处理,WAP2和WAS2处理可较好地延缓旗叶、倒二叶和倒三叶绿色面积比例衰减并恢复其SPAD值,其中叶面喷施尿素可维持更久的光合面积,而撒施尿素可保持较高的叶绿素含量。综合来看,小麦拔节期前后渍水时可及时施用尿素,且具有显著的补救效果。
      In order to provide the information for the application of reducing-loss measures for the waterlogged wheat, we investigated the effects of waterlogging and subsequent remedial measures on photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter accumulation, grain yield, and yield components. The waterlogging treatments were conducted at stem elongation stage for 10 days with a wheat cultivar Yangmai 23 as material. Subsequently, the waterlogged plants were applied with different remedial measures, including spraying urea at 0-day after waterlogging treatment (WAP1), spraying urea at 0- and 7-day after waterlogging treatment (WAP2), and topdressing urea with low and high rates when soil water content reached suitable values (WAS1 and WAS2). The results showed that waterlogging significantly reduced grain yield and nitrogen partial factor productivity (by 11% individually). Urea application after waterlogging treatment recovered grain yield by 6%-24% and improved nitrogen partial factor productivity by 3%-17%. Although the yield under WAP2 and WAS2 was more than that under WAP1 and WAS1, the methods applied with urea did not change the yield recovery. The reasons for yield recovery were due to the increased kernel number per spike as a result from the increase in spikelet fertility and kernel number per spikelet. In addition, the increase in photosynthetic production by urea application was mainly because of the increased chlorophyll and the maintained post-anthesis photosynthetic area and net photosynthetic rate of green leaf. Compared with WAP1 and WAS1, WAP2 and WAS2 greater delayed area reduction of flag leaf, the 2nd leaf, and the 3rd leaf and improved their SPAD. As a comparison to topdressing urea, spraying urea after waterlogging maintained photosynthetic area for more days, but topdressing urea had greater chlorophyll content. Finally, the study indicates that urea application immediately after waterlogging stress at stem elongation stage has the remarkable remedial effect.
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